A lightweight Javascript/Typescript library for mutual conversion Japanese Calendar Date and Gregorian Calendar Date
npm i warera
const date = warera(new Date(2019, 4, 1)); // 2019-05-01
// is return value as...
// {
// era: {
// long: '令和',
// short: 'R
// },
// year: 1,
// month: 5,
// day: 1
// }
const date = warera({era: 'R', year: 1, month: 5, day: 1});
// or
const date = warera({era: '令和', year: 1, month: 5, day: 1});
// is return value as Date class (Wed May 01 2019 00:00:00 GMT+0900)
date.format(pattern: string, replaceToGanForFirstYear: boolean);
const date = warera({era: 'R', year: 1, month: 5, day: 1});
date.format('WWWkky年kkM月kkD日') // '令和元年五月一日'
Input | Example | Description |
YYYY | 2019 | Gregorian calendar 4 digit year |
WWW | 令和 | Japanese calendar era (Full name of kanji) |
W | R | Japanese calendar era (Alphabet) |
kky | 二十一 | Japanese calendar year (Japanese numeral long) |
ky | 二一 | Japanese calendar year (Japanese numeral short) |
ddy | 弐拾壱 | Japanese calendar year (Japanese numeral long old char) |
dy | 弐壱 | Japanese calendar year (Japanese numeral short old char) |
yy | 01 | Japanese calendar year (Arabic numeral padded by 0) |
y | 1 | Japanese calendar year (Arabic numeral) |
kkM | 二十一 | Month (Japanese numeral long) |
kM | 二一 | Month (Japanese numeral short) |
ddM | 弐拾壱 | Month (Japanese numeral long old char) |
dM | 弐壱 | Month (Japanese numeral short old char) |
MM | 01 | Month (Arabic numeral padded by 0) |
M | 1 | Month (Arabic numeral) |
kkD | 二十一 | Day (Japanese numeral long) |
kD | 二一 | Day (Japanese numeral short) |
ddD | 弐拾壱 | Day (Japanese numeral long old char) |
dD | 弐壱 | Day (Japanese numeral short old char) |
DD | 01 | Day (Arabic numeral padded by 0) |
D | 1 | Day (Arabic numeral) |
In Japan, the first year when the era begins is sometimes called the "元年".
"元年" meaning "first year".
When 'replaceToGanForFirstYear' true,
const date = warera({era: 'R', year: 1, month: 5, day: 1}, true);
date.format('WWWkky年kkM月kkD日') // '令和元年五月一日'
When false,
const date = warera({era: 'R', year: 1, month: 5, day: 1});
date.format('WWWkky年kkM月kkD日') // '令和一年五月一日'
'warera' is coined word by 'wareki' (meaning Japanese Calendar) and 'era'!