MedBot is a healthcare-related project designed to automate medical tasks, provide health-related insights, and assist with other medical functionalities. This repository contains the source code and instructions on how to set up and run the project.
Table of Contents -Project Overview -Features -Requirements -Installation -Usage -Contributing -License
1>Project Overview MedBot is developed to streamline healthcare operations, providing tools and features that assist in medical diagnosis, patient management, or other healthcare tasks. The goal is to enhance efficiency and accuracy in the healthcare sector.
2>Features Automated medical task processing Health-related data analysis Integration with healthcare APIs User-friendly interface for healthcare providers
3>Requirements Ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
Python 3.x Dependencies listed in the requirements.txt
4>Installation To get started, follow these steps: Clone the repository:
bash Copy code git clone Navigate to the project directory:
bash Copy code cd MedBot (Optional but recommended) Create a virtual environment:
bash Copy code python -m venv venv Activate the virtual environment:
Windows: bash Copy code venv\Scripts\activate
macOS/Linux: bash Copy code source venv/bin/activate Install the required dependencies:
bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt
5>Usage To run the project locally: Open a terminal in the project directory. Run the main Python file: bash Copy code python The project will be hosted on http://localhost:5000/ or another port as specified in your project.
6>Contributing We welcome contributions to MedBot! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository, create a branch, and submit a pull request. Feel free to open issues for any bugs or feature requests.
7>License This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.