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Kaleidos is a software-platform used to support the decision-making-process of the Flemish government. The main software-stack is built upon, a micro-service-based, linked-data-first architecture (previously known as This repository contains the necessary configuration for each service that the stack is composed of. Please refer to the documentation of mu-project for more information on how to run and configure a project.


A supplementary docker-compose.development.yml-file is provided in order to tweak the stack-setup for development purposes. Among other changes, this configuration will for instance prevent crashed services from restarting automatically, in order to catch errors quicker.

You can start the stack in development mode by running

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.development.yml up

Pro tip: The stack consists of some services such as mu-search that can potentially consume a lot of resources and often aren't required for basic development-tasks. Adding the following snippet to your docker-compose.override.yml-file under services, will disable the most resource-consuming services.

    entrypoint: "echo 'service disabled'"
    entrypoint: "echo 'service disabled'"
    entrypoint: "echo 'service disabled'"
    entrypoint: "echo 'service disabled'"


Most of Kaleidos' data is structured according the vocabularies & application-profiles standardised through OSLO. The ones used in Kaleidos include:

Open-data publication to Themis

Part of the data produced within Kaleidos is published as open-data through the "Themis"-portal. Please consult for more information.

The sync to Themis works with a pull-mechanism. Kaleidos generates and provides publications, which are polled and fetched at regular intervals by the Themis stack.

The services used to generate data exports for Themis:

The main component of the Themis stack is the Themis publication consumer service responsible for polling and fetching of the publications and accompanying documents.