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Meteor.js starter kit with react and less. Usefull for fast run development environment.

Meteor support ECMAScript, the language standard on which every browser’s JavaScript implementation is based, has moved to yearly standards releases. Meteor’s ecmascript package compiles this standard down to regular JavaScript that all browsers can understand using the popular Babel compiler.

Starter kit include

  • Meteor v1.3.2.4 - Read the guide
  • FlowRouter - Carefully Designed Client Side Router for Meteor.
  • DocHead - DocHead is an isomorphic way to manipulate document.head for Meteor apps. Set title, meta and etc.
  • React - Javascript library for building interface
  • Less - CSS pre-processor, bonus folders structure with Media Queries breakpoints
  • Normalize.css - modern, HTML5 CSS reset
  • Autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use website
  • I18n - Package that provides a comprehensive i18n solution
  • jQuery - Meteor default include
  • Modernizr - The feature detection library for HTML5/CSS3, you can create own modernizr-custom.js on Modernizr site
  • ESLint - "Code linting" is the process of automatically checking your code for common errors or style problems. Verifies Airbnb, Meteor, React styleguide


Read the Meteor guide quickstart.

Install Node.js.

Run locally - npm start - install nodejs and bower dependencies.

npm start

Run Meteor server on: http://localhost:3000/


Check your code with ESLint:

meteor npm run lint




Vitalijs Karpusa