Simple Movie website created way back in 2017, i use to watch movies online using many websites avaialble, in which i use tamilyogi, were there will be quality of tamil movies updated.
Certainly i got frustated with the ads that pops up inbetween while watching movie, some time time i use to inspect and remove most of the analtyics and click ads. I found out that it is also coming from that vide embed link.
At time i was learning Nodejs, i used this oppourtunity to scrap the website using Nodejs. I figured out how the HTML layouts have been structured and started to gather informations like
- Title
- Video Link
- Tags
- Year
- is it Dubbed ( that is framed from the title of movie )
I scrapped complete list of movies that available in that website. You can find the code in below location
and dumbed movies links .json in below location
Then i wrote a details scrapper where i gather informations as stated above. Worked on mongoSchema for defining a structure for document that has to be saved in the data base. You can find that inside the below path.
Since this application was developed way back in 2016 - 2017, I have used certain tech stacks and library that are depreciated right now.
- Node v7.30
- Bower
Create a .env file in the root directory with the below lines. Get your TMDB key by clicking here and update below.
After that run the below to link for dumping data. Make sure you have mongodb running locally
mongoimport --db movies_list_v2 --collection moviedetails --drop --file ./new_movie_details.json
mongoimport --db movies_list_v2 --collection homepages --drop --file ./new_home_page.json
Now you have sample details and all the movies details updated in your database. Go to root folder and
npm start
You will able to see
app listening on port 3003!