Ever wondered how efficient the math and numpy packages are?
New scientific formulas are highly efficient in the time complexity (including) constants, while well-developed packages utilize the fastest possible implementation.
For the comparison, I selected three functions:
π ≈ 3.14, e ≈ 2.72, and factorial (!)
Constants are pre-computed in math and numpy packages.
Precomputed is faster, but may not provide infinite accuracy.
Indeed, scientific formulas will compute the constants up to
that many digits as required which is an issue with π and e.
Moreover, math
and numpy
return float
values with stores
only a few digits after the dot. The computations above return
objects which has pre-specified accuracy.
Factorial faces another challenge: too large numbers. Python
handles this issue well: it does not have integer overflow issue.
Clearly, that would be a fair comparison between scientific formulas,
package, and numpy
package. Especially when numbers get
very large, and the time complexity is a game changer. However,
please be patient with this test -- it may be time-consuming.
Please make sure that Docker
and docker-compose
are installed. To start, clone
the repository in the preferred directory
git clone https://github.com/kate-melnykova/Efficient_computations_of_fn
To start the server, run
docker-compose up --build
The server should start automatically, and you will see the main page
Enter the parameter to see the comparison and press the button.
Function factorial.py
computes factorial by the formula introduced by
Fikret Cihana, Fatih Aydinb, Adnan Fatih Kocamaz
(no parallel computing part) This method is claimed to be
significantly faster than recursive implementation.
Function compute_pi.py
uses Chudnovsky algorithm
for computing the value of pi.
Function compute_e.py
utilizes Brothers' Formulae