A simple Continuous Integration server built on Rails and Resque for git controlled projects.
- Start Redis Server
$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf (this is where I have it on my MBP, it may be different for you)
- Start Resque Workers
$ rake workers:magnum_ci
- Start Rails Server
$ rails s
A strike means its done!
Add project modelAdd project controllerAdd project viewsAdd cucumberAdd build modelAdd build controllerCreate build show pageAdd Commiter nameWrite some cucumber stories for projectAdd build cleanup functionality (Delete old builds)Campfire IntegrationAdd ability to delete ProjectsAdd Manual Build button for projectsAdd project name to build show pageAdd commit message for each buildPast build statues on the root pageAdd bundler option to project setup. If yes, export BUNDLE_GEMFILE programattically.- Add HTTP basic auth to the edit page
- Remove cucumber
- Added rspec tests for view/model/controller/helper
- Fix Magnum rendered HTML in output logs
- Separate status area with order of queued builds
- Ask Fisher to restyle forms
- Submitted time, and finished time. and/or elapsed time
- Delta timer notifier for when builds go over average build time
- Allow for dynamic build directories
- Build number per project
- Branch integration in build request
- Create writeup on Ubuntu setup
- Figure out a way to dynamically set the URL to the build for campfire
This project uses Semantic Versioning (http://semver.org/)
All contributions are welcome. Just fork the code, ensure your changes include a test, ensure all the current tests pass and send a pull request.
Created by Kyle Bolton
Additional contributors
- Andrew Vargo
- Jeremy Durham
Copyright (c) 2011 Kyle Bolton, released under the MIT license