AJ Febbraro Kianna Barbarisi Ryan Vansluytman
Kianna Barbarisi, [email protected], Joanne Nichols Ryan Vansluytman, [email protected], Chong Li Anthony Febbraro, [email protected], Joanne Nichols
Short answers for the below questions suffice. If you want to alter your plan for your project (and obtain approval for the same), be sure to email your section leader directly!
We have created the 3 puzzles that will be ingrained within our project. We are currently working on the storyline for the game, so our puzzles will be added into that once it is done. Then, we will figure out how to make interactive choices to make the game flow.
For the hangman puzzle in our game, I created a list of words that have an “eerie/escape room” vibe. Within these words, the computer randomly chooses one that the player will play hangman with. The user gets 6 guesses total because the words are on the longer side. If the user fails, they will be prompted to try again. (AJ Febbraro)
For the 400 Meter Dash (“Turtle Race”), I have created the primary code to enable the runners to move based on a die system and there are challenge questions to add some spice to it. (Ryan Vansluytman)
So far, for the brain teaser aspect of the puzzles for the final project, I came up with three different questions that prompt the user to input what they believe the correct answer is. In addition, I have inputted the possible correct answers into the code so that if the user inputs it incorrectly, a statement will appear that tells them that they were incorrect and they must input the answer again. (Kianna Barbarisi)
For the hangman puzzle, I still would like it to look a little better and I need to incorporate the user winning a code or key that will advance them onto the next puzzle. Since I had one of the easier puzzles to create, I will be working on the storyline for the game.
For the 400 Meter Dash, I would like to use tkinter to create a nice well put together GUI to advance my learning of Python, but if that is not do-able with the given time frame, I will just have to leave it out. I want to make it so that the questions pop up on the turtle screen instead of the terminal.
For the brain teasers game, I am currently working on rewriting the code so that if the user inputs the incorrect answer three times, the game will restart and they will lose. This will allow it so that they are not stuck on one aspect of the game forever and make it more challenging for them to complete. In addition, I am also going to use tkinter to make the game more put together and make it look much nicer instead of the game running in the terminal. While I hope that this works out, depending on the amount of time I have and what issues I encounter, I may have to alter my game plan for this part of the project.
For the hangman puzzle, I had problems with trying to create the visual side of the game, prompting the hangman character to gain limbs when the user gets an incorrect guess.
For the 400 Meter Dash, It was a problem randomly choosing challenge questions in a string, so I took some time off and came up with the wonderful idea of using a series of if...else statements and functions for each question.
For the brain teaser game, I am having issues creating buttons for the user to click on as I am not currently proficient in the use of tkinter but am doing more research and learning more about it in hopes that it will better our project.