A debugging sample for a broken keras program which tries to learns MNIST.
This is heavily based on https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/debug/examples/debug_mnist.py and https://github.com/fchollet/keras/blob/master/examples/mnist_cnn.py . The neural network in this demo has a problem with numerical computation (Infs and NaNs).
python debug_minst.py --debug
triggers tfdbg interpreter.
Run the program until inf or nans occur: run -f has_inf_or_nan
After some run
commands (for filling value of inf or nans into cross_entropy tensors), you can see tensors with inf or nans: lt -f has_inf_or_nan
You will see -inf values on Log tensor (pt Log:0
) and 0 values on Softmax tensor (pt dense_2/Softmax:0
This shows that our defined cross_entropy function (def unstable_categorical_crossentropy
) is broken and why our accuracy goes to nan.
To fix the problem, comment-out the line 74 (loss as our function) and use line 75 (loss as keras defined function) instead.
For more detail, see:
- Debugging TensorFlow Programs | TensorFlow
- How to use tfdbg in Keras (Japanese article): https://qiita.com/keisuke-nakata/items/5d6918678e8099b565d0