- What is Git?
- What is Github?
- Why should you care?
- Novel Writing Analogy
- Installing Git(not really)
#Git Basics
- Git init
- Git status (check the status of your repository to find out if there have been changes)
- Git add (add the file just created to the files you'd like to commit (aka save) to change)
- Git commit (commit those changes to the repository's history with a short description of the updates...)
- Git diff (to view the difference between the file now and how it was at your last commit.)
- Check status of changes to a repository
- $ git status
- View changes to files
- $ git diff
- Add a file's changes to be committed
- $ git add
- To add all files changes
- $ git add .
- To commit (aka save) the changes you've added with a short message describing the changes
- git commit -m ""
#Git Checkout
Git Log
Git Checkout
git revert --no-commit 0766c053..HEAD
HEAD O -> O -> O -> O Master
#Cloning and Github Intro
- What is Github?
- Cloning an existing repo
#Pushing to Github
- Creating a repo on github
- Adding a remote
- Pushing to github