- Live in Tokyo
- Born in Yaizu, Shizuoka on November 16, 1993
- Software Engineer and DevRel at freee K.K.
- A member of the sponsor team of TSKaigi
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Ruby
- Scala
- React
- Storybook
- Ruby on Rails
- Akka
- Visual Studio Code
- GitHub / GitHub Actions
- Home Server
- VyOS
I'm a new graduate in 2018 and working as a software engineer, DevRel and in-house streaming operator. As a software engineer, I develop and maintain freee会計, their accounting SaaS application. As a DevRel, a member of dev branding team, I organize technology events and in-house technology conference called "freee 技術の日". As a in-house streaming operator, I build in-house studios and operate in-house hybrid events and online general meetings of shareholders.
I'm rewriting huge and main components of their service to return technology debts with improving usability and maintainability. In addition, I'm building a frontend architecture to improve the development productivity of other developers.
I thought re-architecture of frontend based on TypeScript and Redux to return technology debts. Before then we used JavaScript and Flow, but as the scale of development expanded we have become difficult to develop. Moreover TypeScript is becoming de facto standard in frontend developing so we have become difficult recruit too. So I decided to re-architect frontend and built a base for other engineers to develop in TypeScript.
Our service treats huge data so declining search performance becomes a problem. I decided to use Elasticsearch (AWS OpenSearch Service) as a search platform and built a data delivery architecture using AWS S3 and AWS Lambda to Elasticsearch. As a result, search performance with complex conditions including like operators.
As a part-time software engineer, I developed their social networking service. And also I built an OAuth 2 authentication base and RESTful APIs for a mobile applications in Scala from scratch.
- 2024-12-18 freeeのエンジニアとReactチュートリアルを学ぼう
- 2023-10-25 freee Tech Night がもうすぐ 5 周年を迎える話
- 2023-04-16 会計フロントエンドの TypeScript 化
- 2019-03-26 会計freee が yarn から npm に出戻った本当の理由
- 2021-11-10 「マジ価値」の提供に向けて嘘をつかないピュアな集団freee株式会社。 最前線で活躍するエンジニアが誇りをもって働くために大事にする考え方に迫る
- 2021-07-30 freee新卒エンジニアに入社理由ややりがいなど、色々と質問してみた。
- 2018-01-11 なぜ新卒でfreeeに!?18卒内定者インタビュー in 内定式
- 2024-12-16 Ruby のコードから TypeScript のコードを生成する
- 2024-05-10 freee は RubyKaigi 2024 のプラチナスポンサーです
- 2023-12-14 freee Tech Night が今日で 5 周年を迎えました
- 2023-06-01 RubyKaigi 2023 に参加してきたよ
- 2022-12-22 オフィスに設置されている 110 個の Hue で遊んでみる!
- 2021-12-21 freee会計の React 17 化を進めていたら flux に PR を出していた話
- 2020-12-22 オンラインになった社内イベントをエンジニアも全力で手伝っている話
- 2019-12-12 2019 年も開発合宿を行いました
- 2018-12-11 yarn から npm に出戻ろうとしている話