This project is the final project in Udacity's sensor fusion nanodegree. This project implements an Unscented Kalman Filter to estimate the state of multiple cars on a highway using noisy lidar and radar measurements. The project obtains RMSE values that are lower than the tolerance outlined in the project specification below.
The following animated GIF demonstrates the highway simulation before implementing the unscented kalman filter. The RMSE error values can be seen in red, showing that they exceed their respective threshold values.
The following animated GIF demonstrates the highway simulation after implementing the unscented kalman filter. There are no RMSE error values, showing that they do not exceed their respective threshold values.
The above GIF is an extract of a few seconds. This MP4 file demonstrates the full 30 seconds execution of the program.
The px
, py
, vx
, vy
output coordinates must have an RMSE <= [0.30, 0.16, 0.95, 0.70] after running for longer than 1 second.
The simulation collects the position and velocity values that the UKF algorithm outputs and they are compare to the ground truth data. My px
, py
, vx
, and vy
RMSE should be less than or equal to the values [0.30, 0.16, 0.95, 0.70] after the simulator has ran for longer than 1 second. The simulator will also display an error message if the RMSE values surpass the threshold.
I added a simple private funciton in highway.h to write the RMSE results to a CSV file to allow a detailed performance analysis:
void WriteToFile(VectorXd rmse_data)
const string filename = "../../results/ukf_performance_results.csv";
const string separator = ", ";
ofstream results_file;, ios_base::app);
results_file << rmse_data[0] << separator << rmse_data[1] << separator << rmse_data[2] << separator << rmse_data[3] << endl;
I then imported the CSV data into a spreadsheet and used that to create the graphs used in this analysis.
The following graph shows the output coordinate before implementing the UKF functions. In this case, the values are clearly way above the RMSE threshold values.
The following graph shows the effect of implementing the UKF functions: the output coordinates stay well below the RMSE values after 1 second.
And here are the two graphs again, for side-by-side comparison:
Before implementing UFK functions | With UKF functions |
![]() |
![]() |
As expected, Sensor fusion gives better results than using only one sensor type. For comparison, the following two graphs show the results when only using radar or only using lidar.
There are two flags in ukf.cpp that can be toggled to enable or disable the sensors:
// LiDAR measurements will be ignored if this is false
use_laser_ = true;
// RADAR measurements will be ignored if this is false
use_radar_ = true;
By the time 3 seconds have passed, all of the RMSE values have exceeded their thresholds.
Lidar alone performs much better than Radar alone. Vx
is consistently above it's RMSE threshold. All of the other RMSE values are below their respective threshold values. However, the performance of Lidar alone is still not as good as both sensors together.
The Unscented Kalman Filter is implemented in the class UKF
. The header file for UKF
is ukf.h. The following extract shows the public interface of the UKF
class UKF
* Constructor
* Destructor
virtual ~UKF();
* ProcessMeasurement
* @param measurement_package The latest measurement data of either radar or laser
void ProcessMeasurement(MeasurementPackage measurement_package);
* Prediction Predicts sigma points, the state, and the state covariance
* matrix
* @param delta_t Time between k and k+1 in s
void Prediction(double delta_t);
* Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a laser measurement
* @param measurement_package The measurement at k+1
void UpdateLidar(const MeasurementPackage & measurement_package);
* Updates the state and the state covariance matrix using a radar measurement
* @param measurement_package The measurement at k+1
void UpdateRadar(const MeasurementPackage & measurement_package);
* @return state vector: [pos1 pos2 vel_abs yaw_angle yaw_rate] in SI units and rad
const Eigen::VectorXd & State() const;
Internally, the UKF
implementation uses a number of private functions to help with the prediction workload:
Eigen::MatrixXd AugmentedSigmaPoints() const;
void PredictSigmaPoints(Eigen::MatrixXd *Xsig_pred, double delta_t, const Eigen::MatrixXd & Xsig_aug);
void PredictMeanAndCovariance();
The main()
function in main.cpp constructs the highway and launches the viewer.
int main()
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer("3D Viewer"));
viewer->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
// set camera position and angle
float x_pos = 0;
viewer->setCameraPosition(x_pos - 26, 0, 15.0, x_pos + 25, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);
Highway highway(viewer);
int frame_per_sec = 30;
int sec_interval = 10;
int frame_count = 0;
int time_us = 0;
double ego_velocity = 25;
while(frame_count < (frame_per_sec * sec_interval))
//stepHighway(egoVelocity,time_us, frame_per_sec, viewer);
highway.StepHighway(ego_velocity, time_us, frame_per_sec, viewer);
viewer->spinOnce(1000 / frame_per_sec);
time_us = 1000000 * frame_count / frame_per_sec;
The Highway
constructor creates the highway, including the simulated cars. The Highway constructor also creates an Unscented Kalman Filter for each car, e.g.,:
UKF ukf1;
The call to the highway.StepHighway()
The main program can be built and ran by doing the following from the project top directory.
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- ./ukf_highway
The code in main.cpp
is using highway.h
to create a straight 3 lane highway environment with 3 traffic cars and the main ego car at the center.
The viewer scene is centered around the ego car and the coordinate system is relative to the ego car as well. The ego car is green while the other traffic cars are blue. The traffic cars will be accelerating and altering their steering to change lanes. Each of the traffic cars has it's own UKF object generated for it, and will update each individual one during every time step.
The red spheres above cars represent the (x,y) lidar detection and the purple lines show the radar measurements with the velocity magnitude along the detected angle. The Z axis is not taken into account for tracking, so you are only tracking along the X/Y axis.
- cmake >= 3.17
- All OSes: click here for installation instructions
- make >= 4.1 (Linux, Mac), 3.81 (Windows)
- Linux: make is installed by default on most Linux distros
- Mac: install Xcode command line tools to get make
- Windows: Click here for installation instructions
- gcc/g++ >= 5.4
- Linux: gcc / g++ is installed by default on most Linux distros
- Mac: same deal as make - install Xcode command line tools
- Windows: recommend using MinGW
- PCL 1.3
- Eigen3 3.3
- Clone this repo.
- Make a build directory:
mkdir build && cd build
- Compile:
cmake .. && make
- Run it:
This project uses Google's C++ style guide.
If you'd like to generate your own radar and lidar modify the code in highway.h
to alter the cars. Also check out tools.cpp
change how measurements are taken, for instance lidar markers could be the (x,y) center of bounding boxes by scanning the PCD environment
and performing clustering. This is similar to what was done in Sensor Fusion Lidar Obstacle Detection.
- Wikipedia. Kalman filter
- James Teow, 2018. Understanding Kalman Filters with Python
- Anjum, M.L., Park, J., Hwang, W., Kwon, H.I., Kim, J.H., Lee, C. and Kim, K.S., 2010, October. Sensor data fusion using unscented kalman filter for accurate localization of mobile robots. In ICCAS 2010 (pp. 947-952). IEEE.
- Wan, E.A. and Van Der Merwe, R., 2000, October. The unscented Kalman filter for nonlinear estimation. In Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control Symposium (Cat. No. 00EX373) (pp. 153-158). IEEE.