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Settings for vim, tmux, git, X and more for Linux and Mac

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Repository files navigation

If you are completely new to using the command line, checkout the background document.

Install / setup

Clone the repo and run the setup script

% git clone && bash ./dotfiles/setup.bash
  • the setup.bash script will create a backup copy of your existing dotfiles, then create symbolic links to the settings in this repository
  • plugins for Vim are also downloaded and installed

Update Vundle plugin (git submodule)

% cd dotfiles

% git submodule init && git submodule update

% cd vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

% git checkout master

% git pull

% cd ../../..

% git add vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

% git commit

Non-standard keyboard shortcuts

Provided by vim-tmux-navigator to move between tmux panes and vim splits with the same key binding

  • Ctrl + h => Left
  • Ctrl + j => Down
  • Ctrl + k => Up
  • Ctrl + l => Right
  • Ctrl + \ => Previous split

Note: When using :term or :vert term in vim (version 8+) to open a terminal split the Ctrl + <direction> shortcuts will not work... you will need to Ctrl + w first, then h/j/k/l

Misc tmux tips

  • Ctrl + b, % to split the current pane vertically
  • Ctrl + b, " to split the current pane horizontally
  • Ctrl + b, Space to cyle current window through preset layouts
  • Ctrl + b, { to move the current pane up one spot
  • Ctrl + b, } to move the current pane down one spot
  • Ctrl + b, ; to switch to the previously active pane
  • Ctrl + b, p to switch to the previously active window
  • Ctrl + b, ! to move the current pane to a new window
  • Ctrl + b, z to toggle zoom state of current pane
  • Ctrl + b, w to choose the current window (across all sessions) interactively
  • Ctrl + b, : to get to bring up the tmux command prompt
    • break-pane to move the current active pane to a new window/tab

Quick tmux flow for a new session

Make 2 vertical splits, then make them equal widths

  • Ctrl + b, %
  • Ctrl + b, %
  • Ctrl + b, Space

The first preset layout is evenly spaced vertical splits

(Navigation and resize keyboard shortcuts without vim-tmux-navigator)


Misc vim tips

  • Sometimes when writing code and there are multiple splits in the same file, the syntax highlighting can appear messed up in the other split(s) when adding a string (something with double quotes)... fix it with :syntax sync fromstart
  • Sometimes when writing long lines (with textwidth and autoindent set) for a bullet point in markdown files, after you hit Enter/Return, your cursor will not be at the place where you would like to start the next bullet point... use Ctrl + d to move the cursor to the correct position
  • If you have lines of text that need to get reformatted
    • select text to reformat using v (and then move cursor to highlight with k/j/h/l)
      • or use Shift + v anywhere on a long line to select the entire line
    • reformat with gq command
  • Ctrl + ] to jump to code definitions (as long as you have run the separate ctags command that generates the tags file)
  • Ctrl + o to jump back to where you were before (whether jumping to code definitions or just searching text or doing find/replace)
  • Use :set spell / :set nospell to enable/disable spell checking
    • ]s to move to the next misspelled word
    • [s to move to the previous misspelled word
    • z= while cursor is on a misspelled word to get suggestions
    • zg while cursor is on a misspelled word to add it to the dictionary (in the ~/.vim/spell/ directory)
    • zug to undo adding a word to the dictionary
  • Use "visual mode" to select text while in normal/command mode
    • v to start character-wise selection and use navigation keys (h/j/k/l) to expand the selection
    • V to start line-wise selection and use down/up navigation keys (j/k) to expand the selection
    • ctrl + v to start block-wise selection and use navigation keys (h/j/k/l) to expand the selection
    • Once the selection is made, you can use nearly any command (including colon-commands)

Vim plugin docs

    • Note: default <leader> key in vim is \
    • Navigate to window you want to move and press <leader>ww
    • Navigate to window you want to swap with and press <leader>ww again
    • From CLI: vim -c "DirDiff dir1 dir2"
    • This is a git wrapper
    • :Gstatus to see git status
      • if you move cursor to an unstaged file and press - it will git add the file
      • if you move cursor to a staged file and press - it will git reset the file
      • can also use - in visual mode
        • <Shift>v, then j or k to select lines above/below; then press - to either stage or unstage selected files
      • if you move cursor to an unstaged file and press <Shift>p it will git add -p the file (to let you select part of the file to stage)
      • if you press <Enter> while on a file, it will open it in a split below the Gstatus window
        • use :Gdiff (mentioned below)
      • use cc to open :Gcommit from the status window (which opens a split with commit buffer)
    • :Gdiff to compare diff of current window's file
      • use :close on the fugitive://... window when done
      • Note: You can select lines of text in visual mode (v ..) and copy to the fugitive:// window and :w! to stage different parts of the file!
        • No need to git add -p
        • Verify in another terminal with git diff --cached (or another split using :Git diff --cached)
    • :Gdiffsplit! on a file with merge conflicts will open 3 vertical splits with vimdiff
    • :Gblame to open interactive vertical split with git blame output
    • :Gmove <newname> to git mv current <newname>
    • :Git [args] to run arbitrary git command
      • i.e. :Git checkout -b some-branch and :Git push -u origin some-branch
      • use :close on the fugitive://... window when done
    • :Gsplit <branch>:% to vimdiff current file with version on another branch (or at another commit) - Note: in vim % is a shortcut to current file
    • :Gedit <branch>:path/to/file to open a file from any branch in a read-only buffer
    • :Ggrep 'some text' <branch> to git grep a pattern in a particular branch
    • This is to help manage "sessions" (open splits, window positions, etc)
    • :Obsess to start recording session file (to Session.vim in current directory)
      • can also pass a filename to save as (to keep separate for 4k.vim, etc)
    • :qa to quit vim and close all windows
    • Load session with vim -RS Session.vim or :source it
    • :Obsess! to remove the session file


Settings for vim, tmux, git, X and more for Linux and Mac







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