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Kenny McCormick edited this page Jul 16, 2018 · 1 revision

bobwars has a lot of debugging related stuff built in. to access it, press ~

here's a rundown of what everything means

  • FPS - shows current frames per second (this could be broken)
  • Camera - shows the view camera's current coordinates
  • selectedEntities - shows the amount of entities currently selected
  • totalEntities - total entities that exist in the game
  • maxEntities - max entities the game will allow
  • physicalMaxEntities - max entities physically possible
  • maxEntitiesPerTeam - max amount of entities each team is allowed to have
    • currently, every entity is counted by this. however, i do plan on changing this later. only units will count towards what will be know as population cap.
  • delta - current delta time between each frame (lower is better)

additional information is shown when a unit is selected

  • entityID - ID assigned by the EntityManager.
  • team - team the entity is part of.
  • type - type of entity (bob/google+/commentsection/google)
    • this is going to change soon, as type is too broad for what we need.
  • health - the current health of the entity
  • hp - hitpoints the entity deals
  • armor - amount of armor the entity has
  • isMovable - is the entity movable?
  • isMoving - is the entity currently moving?

there are a couple other features of the debug stuff.

  • yellow bars
    • the yellow bars around the screen are the movement bounds. when the mouse is inside these, the camera will automatically move in that direction.
  • entity information
    • information such as ent position, ent type, ent id are displayed as text near each entity. as well, every entity has a red outline, and a yellow one if it is selected. it also shows entity move destinations, and a line to where it's going.
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