This project consist of 2 Hybrid Clustering Method namely MLR-CAw(1.0) and SR-CAw(2.0). 2.0 was mainly focused on SR-CAw, using SR-MCL as the clustering algorithm to the hybrid FSWeight - SR-MCL - Core Attachment combination, differing from V1 yung MLR-MCL instead. SR-CAw is not an improvement of MLR-CAw but rather a variant with a different approach. See the accompanying paper for the discussion of the method and the algorithms.
for python packages
pip install -r requirement.txt
basic usage from FSWeighting to Core Attachment
./ <unweighted_graph_file> <threshold> <alpha> <gamma> <mode> <redundancy> <beta> <quality>
understand you file structure and contents(Team 2.0 learnings #6450)
└── 3.package/ #Contains important files such as existing relevant libraries from metis, datasets
│ └──── Lib/ #Metis Libraries
│ └──── gold_standard/ #CYC2008 Dataset
│ └──── graphs/ #BioGRID and DIP datasets
│ └──── realGraphNodeName/ #Protein Mappings
└── bin/ #Contains excecutables
│ └──── Linux/ #Executables for Linux
│ └──── OSX/ #Executables for macOS
└── clustering/ #output directory of mcl variant
└── coreattachments/ #output directory of Core-Attachment
└── networks/ #output directory of FSWeight when is used
└── scoring/ #directory of F-Scoring, a separate step, see README
└── src/ #contains source file except at bin)
└── varyingparameters/ #contains varying parameters files used by V 1.0
👤 (1.0) Beltran JC, Montes C, Villar JJ, Valdez AR, (2.0) Cortez JJM, Estrella JKF, Octaviano M, Fabilloren SR, Villar JJ
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