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Moving from maude to Java backend

laurayuwen edited this page Feb 7, 2015 · 6 revisions

Q Int2Float: 3 arguments instead of 1

A Int2Float(your int,53,11)

Q Changed the syntax of Map update from Map [ Value / Key ] to Map [ Key <- Value ].

Q Invalid now : _:MapItem

A use |-> instead of _:MapItem

Q Invalid now : _:ListItem

A can still use ListItem()

Q configuration: more rigorous cell type

A create a supers ort and use :> super sort in configuration decl

Q [Error] Critical: unexpected left-hand side data structure format; expected elements and at most one variable ... [Warning] Compiler: Expecting an empty list but got class org.kframework.kil.KSequence of sort K. Won't transform.

A don't use just dot, use .Map .List blabla instead.

Q [Error] Critical: Unsupported map pattern in the rule left-hand side

A you are matching mapItem using value/partial key/key and value, which is no longer allowed, and you need an aux function

Q [Error] Critical: SDF failed to parse a rule by throwing: null Aborted at ...

A maybe some place needs ()

Q [Error] Critical: Cannot determine if the KLabel 'normalizeType is a function symbol because there are multiple productions associated with this KLabel: ["normalizeType" "(" Type "," Type ")" , "normalizeType" "(" Type ")" ]

A If you define one syntax with [function] attribute, all needs to add [function]

Q [Error] Critical: unexpected sort K of concatenated term .K; expected List (no line number given)

A should use .List instead of dot in some places.

Q How to find the wrong place if it is not expicitly given?

A from where kompile --debug stops, add breakpoint in Java Program (K src code), run kompile debug mode again, and find rule

Q Cannot compute least sort of term: 'ParamImpl('class_(Id(#"java.lang.Object")),, Id(#"e")) Possible least sorts are: [Param, ExtKResult]

A try to refactor the syntax to get a least sort for the labeled form.

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