Tchamba.random, is a real random data genarator (letters, jokes, names...)
The name was invented by my friends Hammadi Ilyes and Bahri Aimene, and it was a joke. Now [we] are trying to implement it in order to get a random data.
First install the tchamba package
pip install tchamba
Then import it in your python file
from tchamba import *
# Print a random character
print random_char()
# To print a random Chuck Norris joke (Internet connection needed)
print random_chuck_joke()
# Print a random hex color (ex: #02c65a)
print random_hex_color()
# Print a list of RGB color (ex: [31,12,15])
print random_rgb_color()
# Print a random Pokemon name
print random_pokemon()
If you have an idea, please feel free to submit an issue, or fork this project and add your awesome_random_function in file. I think that we need something cool, funny like this 😄 to use it in our programs, for testing or for fun.
This package is using one of the bests APIs on the Web, like:
MIT licensed Done by Fortas Abdeldjalil and all these awesome contributers.