# Install release version from CRAN
# Install development version from GitHub
- Filter methods
- VIP - Variable Importance in Projections
- SR - Selectivity Ratio
- sMC - Significance Multivariate Correlation
- LW - Loading Weights
- RC - Regression Coefficients
- URC - RC scaled as abs(RC)/max(abs(RC))
- FRC - URC further scaled as URC/PRESS
- mRMR - Minimum Redundancy Maximal Relevancy
- Wrapper methods
- BVE-PLS - Backward variable elimination PLS
- GA-PLS - Genetic algorithm combined with PLS regression
- IPW-PLS - Iterative predictor weighting PLS
- MCUVE-PLS - Uninformative variable elimination in PLS
- REP-PLS - Regularized elimination procedure in PLS
- SPA-PLS - Sub-window permutation analysis coupled with PLS
- T2-PLS - Hotelling's T^2 based variable selection in PLS
- WVC-PLS - Weighted Variable Contribution in PLS
- Embedded methods
- Trunction PLS
- ST-PLS - Soft-Threshold PLS
- CovSel - Covariance Selection
- LDA wrappers for PLS classficiations and cross-validation
- Shaving - Repeated shaving of variables using filters (experimental)
- Simulation tools
- T. Mehmood, K.H. Liland, L. Snipen, S. Sæbø, A review of variable selection methods in Partial Least Squares Regression, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 118 (2012) 62-69.
- T. Mehmood, S. Sæbø, K.H. Liland, Comparison of variable selection methods in partial least squares regression, Journal of Chemometrics 34 (2020) e3226.