- a flat text file with sample recipes recipes.txt
- the json file being written to after each program execution recipes.json
- recipe.py
- Class definition of a Recipe
- recipes.py
- parses commandline arguments to scale surving size and filter for ingredients
- instantiates Recipe objects
- massages these instances to Python dictionaies
- wraps these together
- encodes the python dict to JSON and writes to file
Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/killakam3084/recipes_repo
Install recipes package
cd recipes/ && pip install
Run the script:
usage: recipes-to-json [-h] [-s SERVING_SIZE] [-f FILTER_ITEMS] input_file out_file Certainly this isn't how Food Network does it positional arguments: input_file An input text file to read in recipes from. Must adhere certain structure.** out_file File to write json recipe data to. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SERVING_SIZE, --serving-size SERVING_SIZE
recipes-to-json -s 4 -f "cheese,milk" recipes.json recipes.txt
- The user only wants to scale up the recipe up by a multiple of original serving size
- The input flat text adheres to the sample txt structure: recipe name serving size ingredient 1 ingredient 2 ...
- Also chose to represent ingredients who don't have a defined quantity value as empty "" in the json representation...seemed reasonable.
- And per the problem formulation just filtering exact string matches..."cheese" won't find "cheddar cheese" and vice versa.