- For thousand of websockets => full interactive, effective and reasonable apps
- Using concurrency, parallel without verbose boilerplate as async, and without any performance cost.
- We need javascript, whereas don’t like syntax.
- Too many language, too many learning.
- Create the wheel, but first we need to use the past one. Code compatible and anternating => Refactor purpose language
- We are lazy, so we need ability to choose when we code.
- In modern programing world, we need multiple database even if our service’s main purpose is one.
- We need general purpose database.
- We need to express math formula more accurately in programming language ( all of the unicode )
[ ] Cloning interpreter & compiler in GO => WIIG & WCIG
Until the end
[ ] Learning about the internals of Zig compiler
toydb in Rust
SQLite clone in C
SurrealDB - multi-model database written in Rust