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The backend system for kindlewit, a quizzing platform.

Tech Stack

  • DB : PostgreSql
  • Document DB : Elasticsearch
  • ORM : Sequelize
  • BE : NodeJS
  • API : Fastify
  • Caching : Redis
  • Logging: Elasticsearch


You will require nodejs, postgres, elasticsearch and redis to run the server. Please install them as per your system. You could download them via docker.

# Install npm packages
npm install

# Build the project
npm build

# Start the API server
npm start

Usage guide


Leave the default port for postgres (5432) as is. Create a user: username, with password: password and a database: thinq.

In-memory cache

Leave the default port for redis (6379) as is.

Log & Document database

Leave the default ports for elasticsearch (9200, 9300) as is.

Running via docker

Dockerfile & docker-compose are available at your disposal but currently do not work. This is due to a build script error which is being worked on actively.

Meanwhile you can run the individual images as containers by the following commands.

#Start redis container
docker run --name thinq-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:latest
#Start elasticsearch container docker network create elastic docker run --name thinq-elasticsearch --net elastic -e discovery.type="single-node" -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -d elasticsearch:7.17.2

Folder structure

|   Config and init files happen here
|   |--- workflows
|     |-- Github workflows happen here
|   |-- VS code settings happen here
|   |---handlers
|   |   |--- API handler functions happen here
|   |
|   |---models
|   |   |--- DB models happen here
|   |
|   |---routes
|   |   |--- API routing happens here
|   |
|   |---services
|   |   |--- DB services happen here
|   |
|   |---utils
|   |   |--- Utility functions happen here
|   |---constants.js
|   |---raw_data.js
|   |
|   |---stress.js
|   |
|   |---simple
|   |   |--- Test files happens here