Expedition is a collection of electronic music composed and performed with Tidal, a live-coding and algorithmic music pattern environment in the Haskell programming language.
Code for the tracks is located in the tracks/
- Surface Transmission Decoding
- Escape Burn
- Slipstream Jump
- Termination Shock Transition
- Ring Surfing
- Encrypted Message From Home
- Repeating Distress Beacon
- Galactic Alpaca
- Atmospheric Probe Malfunction
- Humans Riding on Bicycles Taking Selfies
- Species / Anti-Species Annihilation
- Sorting Through Wreckage
Expedition is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. You may use the material found in this repository (including any audio samples) by attributing the source work and keeping the license intact; please refer to the license details at creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0.
Except for the drum breaks on Selfies, all sampled audio in this repository was originally produced by Mike Hodnick using FL Studio softsynths, hardware synthesizers, and smart phone apps.
Drum breaks on Selfies are sourced from:
- Dave Akuma, who made his breaks available for free use at dogsonacid.com/threads/new-breaks-for-download.225872/
- The Think break, in the public domain
Expedition is released digitally at https://kindohm.bandcamp.com/album/expedition.
You must have Tidal installed. If you are not familiar with Tidal, refer to the Tidal docs for installation instructions and usage.
All tracks are in the tracks/
folder. Once you get Tidal up and
running you can "run" the tracks as you would any other .tidal
Make sure to eval the custom functions in
00-boot.tidal first
before executing any other Tidal files. If you don't do this
then some of the tracks won't work.
Most tracks use the Dirt sample synthesizer that pairs with Tidal.
Run dirt
so that it picks up the samples/
folder in this repo.
##MIDI Two tracks use the MIDI capabilities of Tidal: Humans Riding on Bicycles Taking Selfies and Sorting Through Wreckage.
The MIDI configuration is highly customized for kindohm's studio and instruments.
The MIDI configuration is booted in 00-boot.tidal and depends on 16 channels being used. During production, a drum machine was used on channels 1-12, and synths were used on channels 15 and 16.
Synth code on channels 15 and 16 could easily be played on a more simple setup with a single channel.
Samples are located in the samples/
folder. Stems are located
at this shared folder.
Almost all tracks use samples in the samples/
folder. There are a couple
of exceptions: Selfies has a bass stem track and Wreckage has stems for
bass, pads, and drums.
Below is a listing of the sample names/folders used on each track.
- Surface Transmission Decoding
- trans1
- Escape Burn
- electrowave
- fk
- pockch
- pockcp
- pocks
- Slipstream Jump
- b18b
- kit2
- kit3
- kit4
- kit5
- kit6
- kit7
- slipcy
- slipk
- teks
- ulh
- Termination Shock Transition
- bit1
- b18b
- kit3
- kit5
- kit7
- Ring Surfing
- gli1
- peri
- ringh
- ringk
- ringkit
- ringpad
- rings
- vocad
- Ecrypted Message From Home
- fall
- fall2
- Repeating Distress Beacon
- alonevox
- b18b
- beacch
- beack
- beakr
- beacsub
- defdo
- fk
- monst
- nau
- teks
- Galactic Alpaca
- alpch
- alpkeys
- alps
- d4
- fk
- peri
- sea
- Atmospheric Probe Malfunction
- keys2
- Humans Riding Bicycles Taking Selfies
- also uses a stem track for the bass
- akuma3
- akuma4
- akuma5
- fk
- fur1
- fur2
- fur3
- funky
- ion1
- ion2
- ion3
- ion4
- melt
- selffx
- selfcpr
- selfs
- teeny2
- teeny3
- teeny4
- teeny1
- think
- Species / Anti-Species Annihilation
- alps
- bit1
- electrowave
- fk
- laz
- teks
- Sorting Through Wreckage
- no samples used. uses stems for bass, pads, and drums
Supported in part by the American Composers Forum through the 2014 Minnesota Emerging Composer Award funded by the Jerome Foundation.