Being a big fan of the Pokemon Franchise. I was curious about the details on every pokemon there is. I want to be read up on any pokemon in my free time.
So I found a list of all the Pokemon from wikipedia and copied the table into a Spreadsheet
Then I split that spreadsheet into various spreadsheets each containing each generation of pokemon
First, I imported the necessary libraries. That is 'pandas', 'requests', 'os', 're'
Second, I created a directory (using python) to store the articles
Then, I loaded up "generation1.xls" to run logic tests on
I didn't want the special characters in the file to mess up my program so I used Regex to take care of them
What I want to do is simple but how do I do it programatically.
- Okay, I can make an article request to the Wikipedia API and check if everything went okay
- Then write the article in binary form to file on my disk Let's do that in code.