Scripts for a headless factorio By: Brian Ballsun-Stanton
- Runs updateFactorio, newMap, newPassword, then Runs it. Presumes that the server details have already been configured, but ideal for starting off a new play session.
- Downloads and unpacks latest headless experimental factorio build into /opt
- Creates factorioSave symbolic link to /opt/factorio/saves in current directory and makes a map with today's date there.
- Looks in factorioSave for the latest .zip and runs that, or takes an argument of a save
- Takes an argument of an authorised ssh server. Extracts saves and files established by this script from that server and pulls onto present server
- Takes an optional argument of a password. Otherwise creates a random 4 word password from the diceware list. This is not a crpytographically secure usage. Sets the factorio join password to be that password.