This firmware is for using ESP32 based boards with LoRa Modules and GPS to live in the APRS world.
(NOTE: To use Tx/Rx capabilities of this tracker you should have also an Tx/Rx LoRa iGate near you)
- Tracker with complete MENU !!! (see Wiki to know how to access it)
- Read, Write and Delete Messages (with I2C Keyboard or Phone).
- Asking Weather Report.
- Listening to other Trackers arround.
- Changing Display Eco Mode (turn off after 4 seg) and Screen Brightness.
- Processor from 240Mhz to 80MHz to save almost 20% power consumption.
- All GPS beacons/packet are encoded for less time on RF/LoRa Tx.
- Oled Screen shows Altitude+Speed+Course or BME280 Wx Data or Number of New Messages Received.
- Oled Screen shows Recent Heard Trackers/Station/iGates Tx.
- Bluetooth capabilities to connect (Android + APRSDroid) or (iPhone + app) and use it as TNC.
- Led Notifications for Tx and Messages Received.
- Sound Notifications with YL44 Buzzer Module.
- Wx data with BME280 Module showed on Screen and transmited as Wx Telemetry.
0. FAQ: Frequently Asked Question --> here
1. Installation Guide --> here
2. Tracker Configuration and Explanation for each setting --> here
3. Supported Boards and Environment Selection --> here
4. Upload Firmware and Filesystem --> here
5. Tracker Menu Guide --> here
6. Bluetooth Guide --> here
7. First Time Boot and GPS --> here
8. Adding Keyboard, BME280, Leds and Buzzer Modules --> here
- 2024.01.26 Added Helmut OE5HWN MeshCom PCB support.
- 2024.01.18 BME modules have now a single reading per minute.
- 2024.01.05 Added HELTEC V3 with NEO8M GPS. Thanks Asbjørn LA1HSA.
- 2024.01.04 Added TTGO Lilygo T-Beam S3 Supreme V3 support. Thanks Johannes OE2JPO.
- 2023.12.31 PowerManagment Library AXP192/AXP2101 updated.
- 2023.12.27 Added Led-Flashlight like Baofeng UV5R Led.
- 2023.12.27 Added LoRa APRS Packet Decoder to Stations Menu.
- 2023.12.26 Added BME680 (to the already BME/BMP280) support for Wx Telemetry Tx.
- 2023.12.22 Added APRSThrusday on Messages Menu to parcitipate from this exercise (
- 2023.12.19 Added support for T-Beam V1.2 with Neo8M GPS and SX1262 LoRa Modules.
- 2023.12.18 Added Mic-E encoding and decoding.
- 2023.12.12 Added BMP280 (to the already BME280) support for Wx Telemetry Tx.
- 2023.12.11 Added support for EByte 400M30S 1Watt LoRa module for DIY ESP32 Tracker.
- 2023.12.07 Added TTGO Lilygo LoRa32 v2.1 board as Bluetooth TNC(Android/Apple) and as a Tracker (with external GPS module).
- 2023.12.07 Added ESP32 as DIY Tracker (with external GPS Module) with LoRa SX1278 module.
- 2023.12.06 T-Beam V1.2 as default board.
- 2023.12.05 Updated packets recognition (+Objects + Mic-E).
- 2023.11.28 Adding BLE connection to use it as TNC with app for iOS.
- 2023.11.07 DigiRepeater Mode added in Emergency Menu.
- 2023.10.23 COMPLETE New Menu for Keyboard add-on.
- 2023.10.22 Added Keyboard Support over I2C (CARDKB from
- 2023.10.07 Screen Brightness control added.
- 2023.10.01 Added Wx Telemetry Tx with BME280 Module attached to Tracker.
- 2023.09.28 Added Support for V.1 board with SX1268 LoRa Module.
- 2023.09.25 Wiki added.
- 2023.09.16 Adding Led notification for Beacon Tx and for Message Received.
- 2023.09.14 Adding buzzer sounds for BootUp, BeaconTx, MessageRx and more.
- 2023.09.11 Saving last used Callsign into internal Memory to remember it at next boot.
- 2023.09.05 Adding "simplified Tracker Mode": only GPS beacons Tx.
- 2023.08.27 Adding support to connect BME280 and see Temperature, Humidity, Pressure.
- 2023.08.12 Adding also support for old V0_7 board. Thanks Béla Török.
- 2023.08.09 Adding Bluetooth capabilities with Kiss and TNC2, TTGO Lora 32. Thanks Thomas DL9SAU.
- 2023.08.08 Added Maidenhead info on Screen. Thanks Mathias "mpbraendli".
- 2023.08.06 Added Bluetooth Support for TNC in Android/APRSDroid. Thanks Valentin F4HVV.
- 2023.08.05 New Support for SH1106 Oled Screen (0,96" and 1.3")
- 2023.07.24 New Validation for Callsings, Overlay change and New Icons (Bike, Motorcycle).
- 2023.07.18 Add Support for triggering PTT to external amplifier.
- 2023.07.16 New Icons for Oled Screen (Runner, Car, Jeep)
- 2023.07.01 Added Support for new T-Beam AXP2101 v1.2 Board.
- 2023.06.26 Weather Report now stays until button pressed, to avoid missing it.
- 2023.06.25 Sends comment after X count of beacons.
- 2023.06.24 displayEcoMode=true doesn't turn the screen off at boot.
- 2023.06.23 Return to from any Menu number to Main Menu (Tracker) after 30 segs.
- 2023.06.20 Major Code Repacking.
- 2023.06.01 Adding Turn Slope calculations for Smart Beacon and Display Eco Mode.
- 2023.05.29 New Config file for adding more new ideas to the Tracker.
- 2023.05.27 Adding Altitude + Speed or Course + Speed in the encoded GPS info.
- 2023.05.21 Adding Last-Heard LoRa Stations/Trackers.
- 2023.05.14 Adding Menu.
- 2023.05.12 Saving Messages to Internal Memory.
- 2023.04.16 Sending and Receiving LoRa Packets.
- : Serge - ON4AA on base91 byte-saving/encoding
- : Peter - OE5BPA LoRa Tracker
- : Manfred - DC2MH (Mane76) mods for multiple Callsigns and processor speed
- : Thomas - DL9SAU for the Kiss <> TNC2 lib