Multi-system database logging and synchronization for ROS
Simply let the script run in the background following the same steps as any other ros enabled program.
Place a subscriber in the listener function with the following format:
rospy.Subscriber('/TopicName', TopicType, savePacketCB)
The incoming packets will be saved in a database where the script is located. The table name is going to be identical to the packet's type.
Thus packets that share the same type share the same database table.
Following the above steps, the packet should include a seq, and uid field. An example is provided.
The packets are propagated and synchronised based on their packet type. It is necessary that a topic shares the name of the type of packets it handles.
Thus if we have the following packet;
that is published to the following topic;
then the specific packet will also be propagated to the following topics;
/Robot2/Hardware /Robot3/Hardware /Car1/Hardware
Christos Georgiades - November, 2022