This board provides an easy-to-solder all-throughole 10cm x 10cm 2-layer board which is used in conjunction with a Raspberry Pi Pico for basic, fun experimentation!
Features include:
- Three general purpose buttons and a reset button,
- Two general purpose LEDs and a power LED,
- An I2C SSD1306 Screen,
- An LDR for Analog experimentation,
- And a bunch more expansion ports, two of which are arranged to work with cheap SD card and accelerometer modules!
The latest schematic in PDF format, and the latest version of the gerbers for manufacture, are located directly in the root folder of this repository.
Alternatively, if you want to change any settings / etc, you can download this repository and open it with Kicad.
If so, you'll use this project in tandem with my kiwih_kicad
Kicad repository:
I wrote a blog post to go with this! You can find it here.