Releases: kiwirm/topomc
TopoMC Release 1.1
This release adds some new symbols to the map - snow/ice, bare rock, sand and the tree symbol.
Additionally, there are improvements to how the relationships between blocks and symbols are stored, which will mean making more symbols in the future will be easier. This release removes surface_blocks.txt
and adds a new replacement file called symbols.json
Full Changelog: v1.0...v1.1
TopoMC Release 1.0
After multiple refactorings since the initial concept of the project, TopoMC has reached the stage where I am happy with the underlying architecture put in place, and will now be predominantly building out new features. Additionally, TopoMC now supports all versions of Minecraft, including the latest version! Due to this I am releasing version 1.0 of TopoMC 🎉
TopoMC 0.9
I've developed this project to the point where it's relatively stable ant works on all operating systems. I think it's safe to create a beta version at this point.