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Tags: kladrock/openid-connect-generic




This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request oidc-wp#303 from oidc-wp/release-3.8.5

Release 3.8.5



This user has not yet uploaded their public signing key.
Squashed commit of the following:

commit 39690e1
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Sat Apr 10 16:41:14 2021 -0400

    Preparation for New Maintenance Release

    - Updates Version to 3.8.4.
    - Updates Changelogs.

commit 1e1b84c
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Sat Apr 10 12:00:40 2021 -0400

    Local Dev/Composer Scripts/Transient Redirection Fixes (oidc-wp#295)

    - Fixes local Docker wp-env environment setup w/ cleanup.
    - Fixes Composer scripts for linting and static analysis.
    - Fixes invalid State transient object handling for redirection.

commit 40e6047
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Apr 8 22:10:53 2021 -0400

    Preparation for Maintenance Release (oidc-wp#291)

commit 8a96330
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Apr 8 08:06:33 2021 -0400

    Fixes Broken Redirect URL Handling & Moves Away from Cookies (oidc-wp#289)

    * Initial Changes to Move Away from Cookies for Redirects

    * Add Redirection via State Transient Support

    - Adds adding the login redirection to the state transient.
    - Deprecates the use of cookies to handle login redirection.
    - Fixes Login button shortcode authentication URL encoding.
    - Fixes some broken wp-env local Docker environment issues.
    - Fixes make_authentication_url attributes usage.
    - Removes error_log calls used for debugging.

    * Fixes Missed WordPress Coding Standards Issues

    - Updates PHP_CodeSniffer configuration to properly support all checks.

    * Fixes Login Button Output for Proper Escaping

commit c839083
Merge: 76c824a 14dbc06
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Mar 24 10:10:09 2021 -0400

    Merges branch 'main' into dev

commit 76c824a
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Mar 24 09:42:51 2021 -0400

    Fixes Login Page XSS Issue (oidc-wp#283)

    - Adds escaping to the errot output message.
    - Adds escaping to the login button output.

commit 2c7c21d
Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Mar 22 12:53:01 2021 -0400

    Feature/travis ci to GitHub actions (oidc-wp#282)

    * Updates Composer/NPM Dependencies & Adds New GitHub Actions

    * Moves All CI/CI Functionality to GitHub Actions

    - Updates Composer & NPM dependencies to newer versions.
    - Updates default development environment WordPress version to 5.6.x.
    - Fixes missing updated to the language POT file.
    - Moves to using a GitHub Release for deployment.
    - Removes TravisCI configuration.



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Release/3.8.3 (oidc-wp#290)

* Feature/travis ci to GitHub actions (oidc-wp#282)

* Updates Composer/NPM Dependencies & Adds New GitHub Actions

* Moves All CI/CI Functionality to GitHub Actions

- Updates Composer & NPM dependencies to newer versions.
- Updates default development environment WordPress version to 5.6.x.
- Fixes missing updated to the language POT file.
- Moves to using a GitHub Release for deployment.
- Removes TravisCI configuration.

* Fixes Login Page XSS Issue (oidc-wp#283)

- Adds escaping to the errot output message.
- Adds escaping to the login button output.

* Fixes Broken Redirect URL Handling & Moves Away from Cookies (oidc-wp#289)

* Initial Changes to Move Away from Cookies for Redirects

* Add Redirection via State Transient Support

- Adds adding the login redirection to the state transient.
- Deprecates the use of cookies to handle login redirection.
- Fixes Login button shortcode authentication URL encoding.
- Fixes some broken wp-env local Docker environment issues.
- Fixes make_authentication_url attributes usage.
- Removes error_log calls used for debugging.

* Fixes Missed WordPress Coding Standards Issues

- Updates PHP_CodeSniffer configuration to properly support all checks.

* Fixes Login Button Output for Proper Escaping

* Preparation for Maintenance Release



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
3.8.2 Security Release (oidc-wp#284)

* Feature/travis ci to GitHub actions (oidc-wp#282)

* Updates Composer/NPM Dependencies & Adds New GitHub Actions

* Moves All CI/CI Functionality to GitHub Actions

- Updates Composer & NPM dependencies to newer versions.
- Updates default development environment WordPress version to 5.6.x.
- Fixes missing updated to the language POT file.
- Moves to using a GitHub Release for deployment.
- Removes TravisCI configuration.

* Fixes Login Page XSS Issue (oidc-wp#283)

- Adds escaping to the errot output message.
- Adds escaping to the login button output.

* Patch Version Bump & Changelog Updates for Release



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
timnolte Tim Nolte
Merges branch 'dev' into main



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
3.8.0 Release (oidc-wp#230)

* Initial Coding Standards & Static Analysis Chanages.
* Adds WordPress coding standards configuration.
* Adds WordPress/PHP static analysis configuration.
* Adds Git hooks to enforce checks and ensure quality on commits.
* Adds initial local Docker development environment setup.
* Current state of coding standards and analysis fixes.
* Near Completion Update of PHP Code Sniffer Compliance Changes.
* Fixes all PHP Code Sniffer WordPress Coding Standards Issues.
* Updates Code Base to Pass Level 5 Baseline
* Ensures PHP Code Sniffs continue to pass.
* Fixes all code base issues to pass a level 5 PHP static analysis.
* Updates PHPStan configurations to use a level 5 baseline.
* Fixes Travis CI Configuration for Static Analysis
* Fixes Plugin Pass i18n Checks
* Adds i18n check to Travis CI builds.
* Adds additional i18n run scripts to package.json.
* Internationalization Checking & Fixes
* Fixes missing i18n translation in main plugin file.
* Adds update POT file.
* Enforces i18n checks on commit with GrumPHP.
* Adds i18n check step to Travis CI builds.
* Gitattributes for export exclusions
* Fixes missing loaded settings property assignment.
* Adds Support for IDP Settings as Defined Constants
    - Reads from defined constants on plugin bootstrap.
    - Disabled plugin settings fields when defined constants are used.
    - Prevents savings plugin settings that are using defined constants.
* Adds Node/NPM Environment Requirements
* Fixes GrumPHP Bin Directory Configuration
* Updates GrumPHP for Required Features
    - Bumps Composer package PHP version to 7.3.
    - Updates GrumPHP configuration to new format.
* Plugin Settings Page Updates Using Constants
    - Ensures that any available defined constants are loaded in place of any database stored settings as an override.
* Composer Dependency Updates & Travis CI Caching Fix
* Travis CI Build Composer Update Change
* NPM Updates & NVM Version Lock
* Fixes NPM Package Lock File for Node v12
* Updates NPM Package Dependencies
* Updates Changelog & README Files With Relevant Changes
* Fixes Localizaion on Error Output
* Changes GrumPHP Configuration to Provide a Full PHPCS Report
* Fixes Local Dev Setup to Activate Plugin by Default
* Adds Contribution Guide and Issue & PR Templates (oidc-wp#222)
* Fixes Support GitHub Issue Template (oidc-wp#223)
* Fixes space/typo with Wiki link (oidc-wp#224)
* Fixes invalid wp-env plugin configuration (oidc-wp#225)
* Improve Local Dev Setup by Reducing Setup Commands (oidc-wp#226)
* Improve Local Dev Setup by Reducing Setup Commands
* Adds Code Owners Configuration for Pull Requests
* Fixes Development Dependencies and Setup Scripts (oidc-wp#227)
* Dev release/3.8 (oidc-wp#229)
* Adds dev Branch to Travis CI Builds
* Release Preparation Enhancements & Release Changes

Co-authored-by: Jonathan Daggerhart <[email protected]>



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request oidc-wp#204 from daggerhart/dev

Fix Plugin Version Number in Header for New Release.



This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request oidc-wp#203 from daggerhart/dev

Fix Plugin Version in Header


github workflow for deploying to


Multiple bug fixes and minor features added. See readme.txt for more.