Tags: kladrock/openid-connect-generic
Merge pull request oidc-wp#303 from oidc-wp/release-3.8.5 Release 3.8.5
Squashed commit of the following: commit 39690e1 Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Sat Apr 10 16:41:14 2021 -0400 Preparation for New Maintenance Release - Updates Version to 3.8.4. - Updates Changelogs. commit 1e1b84c Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Sat Apr 10 12:00:40 2021 -0400 Local Dev/Composer Scripts/Transient Redirection Fixes (oidc-wp#295) - Fixes local Docker wp-env environment setup w/ cleanup. - Fixes Composer scripts for linting and static analysis. - Fixes invalid State transient object handling for redirection. commit 40e6047 Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Thu Apr 8 22:10:53 2021 -0400 Preparation for Maintenance Release (oidc-wp#291) commit 8a96330 Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Thu Apr 8 08:06:33 2021 -0400 Fixes Broken Redirect URL Handling & Moves Away from Cookies (oidc-wp#289) * Initial Changes to Move Away from Cookies for Redirects * Add Redirection via State Transient Support - Adds adding the login redirection to the state transient. - Deprecates the use of cookies to handle login redirection. - Fixes Login button shortcode authentication URL encoding. - Fixes some broken wp-env local Docker environment issues. - Fixes make_authentication_url attributes usage. - Removes error_log calls used for debugging. * Fixes Missed WordPress Coding Standards Issues - Updates PHP_CodeSniffer configuration to properly support all checks. * Fixes Login Button Output for Proper Escaping commit c839083 Merge: 76c824a 14dbc06 Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Wed Mar 24 10:10:09 2021 -0400 Merges branch 'main' into dev commit 76c824a Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Wed Mar 24 09:42:51 2021 -0400 Fixes Login Page XSS Issue (oidc-wp#283) - Adds escaping to the errot output message. - Adds escaping to the login button output. commit 2c7c21d Author: Tim Nolte <[email protected]> Date: Mon Mar 22 12:53:01 2021 -0400 Feature/travis ci to GitHub actions (oidc-wp#282) * Updates Composer/NPM Dependencies & Adds New GitHub Actions * Moves All CI/CI Functionality to GitHub Actions - Updates Composer & NPM dependencies to newer versions. - Updates default development environment WordPress version to 5.6.x. - Fixes missing updated to the language POT file. - Moves to using a GitHub Release for WordPress.org deployment. - Removes TravisCI configuration.
Release/3.8.3 (oidc-wp#290) * Feature/travis ci to GitHub actions (oidc-wp#282) * Updates Composer/NPM Dependencies & Adds New GitHub Actions * Moves All CI/CI Functionality to GitHub Actions - Updates Composer & NPM dependencies to newer versions. - Updates default development environment WordPress version to 5.6.x. - Fixes missing updated to the language POT file. - Moves to using a GitHub Release for WordPress.org deployment. - Removes TravisCI configuration. * Fixes Login Page XSS Issue (oidc-wp#283) - Adds escaping to the errot output message. - Adds escaping to the login button output. * Fixes Broken Redirect URL Handling & Moves Away from Cookies (oidc-wp#289) * Initial Changes to Move Away from Cookies for Redirects * Add Redirection via State Transient Support - Adds adding the login redirection to the state transient. - Deprecates the use of cookies to handle login redirection. - Fixes Login button shortcode authentication URL encoding. - Fixes some broken wp-env local Docker environment issues. - Fixes make_authentication_url attributes usage. - Removes error_log calls used for debugging. * Fixes Missed WordPress Coding Standards Issues - Updates PHP_CodeSniffer configuration to properly support all checks. * Fixes Login Button Output for Proper Escaping * Preparation for Maintenance Release
3.8.2 Security Release (oidc-wp#284) * Feature/travis ci to GitHub actions (oidc-wp#282) * Updates Composer/NPM Dependencies & Adds New GitHub Actions * Moves All CI/CI Functionality to GitHub Actions - Updates Composer & NPM dependencies to newer versions. - Updates default development environment WordPress version to 5.6.x. - Fixes missing updated to the language POT file. - Moves to using a GitHub Release for WordPress.org deployment. - Removes TravisCI configuration. * Fixes Login Page XSS Issue (oidc-wp#283) - Adds escaping to the errot output message. - Adds escaping to the login button output. * Patch Version Bump & Changelog Updates for Release
3.8.0 Release (oidc-wp#230) * Initial Coding Standards & Static Analysis Chanages. * Adds WordPress coding standards configuration. * Adds WordPress/PHP static analysis configuration. * Adds Git hooks to enforce checks and ensure quality on commits. * Adds initial local Docker development environment setup. * Current state of coding standards and analysis fixes. * Near Completion Update of PHP Code Sniffer Compliance Changes. * Fixes all PHP Code Sniffer WordPress Coding Standards Issues. * Updates Code Base to Pass Level 5 Baseline * Ensures PHP Code Sniffs continue to pass. * Fixes all code base issues to pass a level 5 PHP static analysis. * Updates PHPStan configurations to use a level 5 baseline. * Fixes Travis CI Configuration for Static Analysis * Fixes Plugin Pass i18n Checks * Adds i18n check to Travis CI builds. * Adds additional i18n run scripts to package.json. * Internationalization Checking & Fixes * Fixes missing i18n translation in main plugin file. * Adds update POT file. * Enforces i18n checks on commit with GrumPHP. * Adds i18n check step to Travis CI builds. * Gitattributes for export exclusions * Fixes missing loaded settings property assignment. * Adds Support for IDP Settings as Defined Constants - Reads from defined constants on plugin bootstrap. - Disabled plugin settings fields when defined constants are used. - Prevents savings plugin settings that are using defined constants. * Adds Node/NPM Environment Requirements * Fixes GrumPHP Bin Directory Configuration * Updates GrumPHP for Required Features - Bumps Composer package PHP version to 7.3. - Updates GrumPHP configuration to new format. * Plugin Settings Page Updates Using Constants - Ensures that any available defined constants are loaded in place of any database stored settings as an override. * Composer Dependency Updates & Travis CI Caching Fix * Travis CI Build Composer Update Change * NPM Updates & NVM Version Lock * Fixes NPM Package Lock File for Node v12 * Updates NPM Package Dependencies * Updates Changelog & README Files With Relevant Changes * Fixes Localizaion on Error Output * Changes GrumPHP Configuration to Provide a Full PHPCS Report * Fixes Local Dev Setup to Activate Plugin by Default * Adds Contribution Guide and Issue & PR Templates (oidc-wp#222) * Fixes Support GitHub Issue Template (oidc-wp#223) * Fixes space/typo with Wiki link (oidc-wp#224) * Fixes invalid wp-env plugin configuration (oidc-wp#225) * Improve Local Dev Setup by Reducing Setup Commands (oidc-wp#226) * Improve Local Dev Setup by Reducing Setup Commands * Adds Code Owners Configuration for Pull Requests * Fixes Development Dependencies and Setup Scripts (oidc-wp#227) * Dev release/3.8 (oidc-wp#229) * Adds dev Branch to Travis CI Builds * Release Preparation Enhancements & Release Changes Co-authored-by: Jonathan Daggerhart <[email protected]>
Merge pull request oidc-wp#204 from daggerhart/dev Fix Plugin Version Number in Header for New Release.
Merge pull request oidc-wp#203 from daggerhart/dev Fix Plugin Version in Header