layout | title | description | seriesId | seriesOrder | categories | ||
post |
Trees in the real world |
Examples using databases, JSON and error handling |
Recursive types and folds |
6 |
This post is the sixth in a series.
In the previous post, we briefly looked at some generic types.
In this post, we'll do some deeper dives into some real-world examples of using trees and folds.
Here's the contents of this series:
- Part 1: Introduction to recursive types and catamorphisms
- Part 2: Catamorphism examples
- Part 3: Introducing folds
- Part 4: Understanding folds
- Part 5: Generic recursive types
- Part 6: Trees in the real world
- Defining a generic Tree type
- The Tree type in the real world
- Mapping the Tree type
- Example: Creating a directory listing
- Example: A parallel grep
- Example: Storing the file system in a database
- Example: Serializing a Tree to JSON
- Example: Deserializing a Tree from JSON
- Example: Deserializing a Tree from JSON - with error handling
In this post, we'll be working with a generic Tree
inspired by the FileSystem
domain that we explored earlier.
Here was the original design:
type FileSystemItem =
| File of FileInfo
| Directory of DirectoryInfo
and FileInfo = {name:string; fileSize:int}
and DirectoryInfo = {name:string; dirSize:int; subitems:FileSystemItem list}
We can separate out the data from the recursion, and create a generic Tree
type like this:
type Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> =
| LeafNode of 'LeafData
| InternalNode of 'INodeData * Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> seq
Notice that I have used seq
to represent the subitems rather than list
. The reason for this will become apparent shortly.
The file system domain can then be modelled using Tree
by specifying FileInfo
as data associated with a leaf node and DirectoryInfo
as data associated with an internal node:
type FileInfo = {name:string; fileSize:int}
type DirectoryInfo = {name:string; dirSize:int}
type FileSystemItem = Tree<FileInfo,DirectoryInfo>
We can define cata
and fold
in the usual way:
module Tree =
let rec cata fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) :'r =
let recurse = cata fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
fNode nodeInfo (subtrees |> recurse)
let rec fold fLeaf fNode acc (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) :'r =
let recurse = fold fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf acc leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
// determine the local accumulator at this level
let localAccum = fNode acc nodeInfo
// thread the local accumulator through all the subitems using Seq.fold
let finalAccum = subtrees |> Seq.fold recurse localAccum
// ... and return it
Note that I am not going to implement foldBack
for the Tree
type, because it's unlikely that the tree will get so deep as to cause a stack overflow.
Functions that need inner data can use cata
Let's test it with the same values that we used before:
let fromFile (fileInfo:FileInfo) =
LeafNode fileInfo
let fromDir (dirInfo:DirectoryInfo) subitems =
InternalNode (dirInfo,subitems)
let readme = fromFile {name="readme.txt"; fileSize=1}
let config = fromFile {name="config.xml"; fileSize=2}
let build = fromFile {name="build.bat"; fileSize=3}
let src = fromDir {name="src"; dirSize=10} [readme; config; build]
let bin = fromDir {name="bin"; dirSize=10} []
let root = fromDir {name="root"; dirSize=5} [src; bin]
The totalSize
function is almost identical to the one in the previous post:
let totalSize fileSystemItem =
let fFile acc (file:FileInfo) =
acc + file.fileSize
let fDir acc (dir:DirectoryInfo)=
acc + dir.dirSize
Tree.fold fFile fDir 0 fileSystemItem
readme |> totalSize // 1
src |> totalSize // 16 = 10 + (1 + 2 + 3)
root |> totalSize // 31 = 5 + 16 + 10
And so is the largestFile
let largestFile fileSystemItem =
let fFile (largestSoFarOpt:FileInfo option) (file:FileInfo) =
match largestSoFarOpt with
| None ->
Some file
| Some largestSoFar ->
if largestSoFar.fileSize > file.fileSize then
Some largestSoFar
Some file
let fDir largestSoFarOpt dirInfo =
// call the fold
Tree.fold fFile fDir None fileSystemItem
readme |> largestFile
// Some {name = "readme.txt"; fileSize = 1}
src |> largestFile
// Some {name = "build.bat"; fileSize = 3}
bin |> largestFile
// None
root |> largestFile
// Some {name = "build.bat"; fileSize = 3}
The source code for this section is available at this gist.
We can use the Tree
to model the real file system too! To do this,
just set the leaf node type to System.IO.FileInfo
and the internal node type to System.IO.DirectoryInfo
open System
open System.IO
type FileSystemTree = Tree<IO.FileInfo,IO.DirectoryInfo>
And let's create some helper methods to create the various nodes:
let fromFile (fileInfo:FileInfo) =
LeafNode fileInfo
let rec fromDir (dirInfo:DirectoryInfo) =
let subItems = seq{
yield! dirInfo.EnumerateFiles() |> fromFile
yield! dirInfo.EnumerateDirectories() |> fromDir
InternalNode (dirInfo,subItems)
Now you can see why I used seq
rather than list
for the subitems. The seq
is lazy, which means that we can create nodes
without actually hitting the disk.
Here's the totalSize
function again, this time using the real file information:
let totalSize fileSystemItem =
let fFile acc (file:FileInfo) =
acc + file.Length
let fDir acc (dir:DirectoryInfo)=
Tree.fold fFile fDir 0L fileSystemItem
Let's see what the size of the current directory is:
// set the current directory to the current source directory
Directory.SetCurrentDirectory __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__
// get the current directory as a Tree
let currentDir = fromDir (DirectoryInfo("."))
// get the size of the current directory
currentDir |> totalSize
Similarly, we can get the largest file:
let largestFile fileSystemItem =
let fFile (largestSoFarOpt:FileInfo option) (file:FileInfo) =
match largestSoFarOpt with
| None ->
Some file
| Some largestSoFar ->
if largestSoFar.Length > file.Length then
Some largestSoFar
Some file
let fDir largestSoFarOpt dirInfo =
// call the fold
Tree.fold fFile fDir None fileSystemItem
currentDir |> largestFile
So that's one big benefit of using generic recursive types. If we can turn a real-world hierarchy into our tree structure, we can get all the benefits of fold "for free".
One other advantage of using generic types is that you can do things like map
-- converting every element to a new type without changing the structure.
We can see this in action with the real world file system. But first we need to define map
for the Tree
The implementation of map
can also be done mechanically, using the following rules:
- Create a function parameter to handle each case in the structure.
- For non-recursive cases
- First, use the function parameter to transform the non-recursive data associated with that case
- Then wrap the result in the same case constructor
- For recursive cases, perform two steps:
- First, use the function parameter to transform the non-recursive data associated with that case
- Next, recursively
the nested values. - Finally, wrap the results in the same case constructor
Here's the implementation of map
for Tree
, created by following those rules:
module Tree =
let rec cata ...
let rec fold ...
let rec map fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) =
let recurse = map fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
let newLeafInfo = fLeaf leafInfo
LeafNode newLeafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
let newNodeInfo = fNode nodeInfo
let newSubtrees = subtrees |> recurse
InternalNode (newNodeInfo, newSubtrees)
If we look at the signature of
, we can see that all the leaf data is transformed to type 'a
, all the node data is transformed to type 'b
and the final result is a Tree<'a,'b>
val map :
fLeaf:('LeafData -> 'a) ->
fNode:('INodeData -> 'b) ->
tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> ->
We can define Tree.iter
in a similar way:
module Tree =
let rec map ...
let rec iter fLeaf fNode (tree:Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData>) =
let recurse = iter fLeaf fNode
match tree with
| LeafNode leafInfo ->
fLeaf leafInfo
| InternalNode (nodeInfo,subtrees) ->
subtrees |> Seq.iter recurse
fNode nodeInfo
Let's say we want to use map
to transform the file system into a directory listing - a tree of strings where each string has information
about the corresponding file or directory. Here's how we could do it:
let dirListing fileSystemItem =
let printDate (d:DateTime) = d.ToString()
let mapFile (fi:FileInfo) =
sprintf "%10i %s %-s" fi.Length (printDate fi.LastWriteTime) fi.Name
let mapDir (di:DirectoryInfo) =
di.FullName mapFile mapDir fileSystemItem
And then we can print the strings out like this:
|> dirListing
|> Tree.iter (printfn "%s") (printfn "\n%s")
The results will look something like this:
8315 10/08/2015 23:37:41 Fold.fsx
3680 11/08/2015 23:59:01 FoldAndRecursiveTypes.fsproj
1010 11/08/2015 01:19:07 FoldAndRecursiveTypes.sln
1107 11/08/2015 23:59:01 HtmlDom.fsx
79 11/08/2015 01:21:54 LinkedList.fsx
The source code for this example is available at this gist.
Let's look at a more complex example. I'll demonstrate how to create a parallel "grep" style search using fold
The logic will be like this:
- Use
to iterate through the files. - For each file, if its name doesn't match the desired file pattern, return
. - If the file is to be processed, then return an async that returns all the line matches in the file.
- Next, all these asyncs -- the output of the fold -- are aggregated into a sequence.
- The sequence of asyncs is transformed into a single one using
which returns a list of results.
Before we start writing the main code, we'll need some helper functions.
First, a generic function that folds over the lines in a file asynchronously. This will be the basis of the pattern matching.
/// Fold over the lines in a file asynchronously
/// passing in the current line and line number tothe folder function.
/// Signature:
/// folder:('a -> int -> string -> 'a) ->
/// acc:'a ->
/// fi:FileInfo ->
/// Async<'a>
let foldLinesAsync folder acc (fi:FileInfo) =
async {
let mutable acc = acc
let mutable lineNo = 1
use sr = new StreamReader(path=fi.FullName)
while not sr.EndOfStream do
let! lineText = sr.ReadLineAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
acc <- folder acc lineNo lineText
lineNo <- lineNo + 1
return acc
Next, a little helper that allows us to map
over Async
let asyncMap f asyncX = async {
let! x = asyncX
return (f x) }
Now for the central logic. We will create a function that, given a textPattern
and a FileInfo
, will return a list of lines that match the textPattern, but asynchronously:
/// return the matching lines in a file, as an async<string list>
let matchPattern textPattern (fi:FileInfo) =
// set up the regex
let regex = Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern=textPattern)
// set up the function to use with "fold"
let folder results lineNo lineText =
if regex.IsMatch lineText then
let result = sprintf "%40s:%-5i %s" fi.Name lineNo lineText
result :: results
// pass through
// main flow
|> foldLinesAsync folder []
// the fold output is in reverse order, so reverse it
|> asyncMap List.rev
And now for the grep
function itself:
let grep filePattern textPattern fileSystemItem =
let regex = Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(pattern=filePattern)
/// if the file matches the pattern
/// do the matching and return Some async, else None
let matchFile (fi:FileInfo) =
if regex.IsMatch fi.Name then
Some (matchPattern textPattern fi)
/// process a file by adding its async to the list
let fFile asyncs (fi:FileInfo) =
// add to the list of asyncs
(matchFile fi) :: asyncs
// for directories, just pass through the list of asyncs
let fDir asyncs (di:DirectoryInfo) =
|> Tree.fold fFile fDir [] // get the list of asyncs
|> Seq.choose id // choose the Somes (where a file was processed)
|> Async.Parallel // merge all asyncs into a single async
|> asyncMap (Array.toList >> List.collect id) // flatten array of lists into a single list
Let's test it!
|> grep "fsx" "LinkedList"
|> Async.RunSynchronously
The result will look something like this:
" SizeOfTypes.fsx:120 type LinkedList<'a> = ";
" SizeOfTypes.fsx:122 | Cell of head:'a * tail:LinkedList<'a>";
" SizeOfTypes.fsx:125 let S = size(LinkedList<'a>)";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:15 // LinkedList";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:18 type LinkedList<'a> = ";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:20 | Cons of head:'a * tail:LinkedList<'a>";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:26 module LinkedList = ";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:39 list:LinkedList<'a> ";
" RecursiveTypesAndFold-3.fsx:64 list:LinkedList<'a> -> ";
That's not bad for about 40 lines of code. This conciseness is because we are using various kinds of fold
and map
which hide the recursion, allowing
us to focus on the pattern matching logic itself.
Of course, this is not at all efficient or optimized (an async for every line!), and so I wouldn't use it as a real implementation, but it does give you an idea of the power of fold.
The source code for this example is available at this gist.
For the next example, let's look at how to store a file system tree in a database. I don't really know why you would want to do that, but the principles would work equally well for storing any hierarchical structure, so I will demonstrate it anyway!
To model the file system hierarchy in the database, say that we have four tables:
stores information about each directory.DbFile
stores information about each file.DbDir_File
stores the relationship between a directory and a file.DbDir_Dir
stores the relationship between a parent directory and a child directory.
Here are the database table definitions:
Name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL
Name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,
FileSize int NOT NULL
DirId int NOT NULL,
FileId int NOT NULL
ParentDirId int NOT NULL,
ChildDirId int NOT NULL
That's simple enough. But note that in order to save a directory completely along with its relationships to its child items, we first need the ids of all its children, and each child directory needs the ids of its children, and so on.
This implies that we should use cata
instead of fold
, so that we have access to the data from the lower levels of the hierarchy.
We're not wise enough to be using the SQL Provider and so we have written our own table insertion functions, like this dummy one:
/// Insert a DbFile record
let insertDbFile name (fileSize:int64) =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s size:%i" "DbFile" id name fileSize
In a real database, the identity column would be automatically generated for you, but for this example, I'll use a little helper function nextIdentity
let nextIdentity =
let id = ref 0
fun () ->
id := !id + 1
// test
nextIdentity() // 1
nextIdentity() // 2
nextIdentity() // 3
Now in order to insert a directory, we need to first know all the ids of the files in the directory. This implies that the insertDbFile
function should
return the id that was generated.
/// Insert a DbFile record and return the new file id
let insertDbFile name (fileSize:int64) =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s size:%i" "DbFile" id name fileSize
But that logic applies to the directories too:
/// Insert a DbDir record and return the new directory id
let insertDbDir name =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s" "DbDir" id name
But that's still not good enough. When the child ids are passed to the parent directory, it needs to distinguish between files and directories, because the relations are stored in different tables.
No problem -- we'll just use a choice type to distinguish between them!
type PrimaryKey =
| FileId of int
| DirId of int
With this in place, we can complete the implementation of the database functions:
/// Insert a DbFile record and return the new PrimaryKey
let insertDbFile name (fileSize:int64) =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s size:%i" "DbFile" id name fileSize
FileId id
/// Insert a DbDir record and return the new PrimaryKey
let insertDbDir name =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s" "DbDir" id name
DirId id
/// Insert a DbDir_File record
let insertDbDir_File dirId fileId =
printfn "%10s: inserting parentDir:%i childFile:%i" "DbDir_File" dirId fileId
/// Insert a DbDir_Dir record
let insertDbDir_Dir parentDirId childDirId =
printfn "%10s: inserting parentDir:%i childDir:%i" "DbDir_Dir" parentDirId childDirId
As noted above, we need to use cata
instead of fold
, because we need the inner ids at each step.
The function to handle the File
case is easy -- just insert it and return the PrimaryKey
let fFile (fi:FileInfo) =
insertDbFile fi.Name fi.Length
The function to handle the Directory
case will be passed the DirectoryInfo
and a sequence of PrimaryKey
s from the children that have already been inserted.
It should insert the main directory record, then insert the children, and then return the PrimaryKey
for the next higher level:
let fDir (di:DirectoryInfo) childIds =
let dirId = insertDbDir di.Name
// insert the children
// return the id to the parent
After inserting the directory record and getting its id, for each child id, we insert either into the DbDir_File
table or the DbDir_Dir
depending on the type of the childId
let fDir (di:DirectoryInfo) childIds =
let dirId = insertDbDir di.Name
let parentPK = pkToInt dirId
childIds |> Seq.iter (fun childId ->
match childId with
| FileId fileId -> insertDbDir_File parentPK fileId
| DirId childDirId -> insertDbDir_Dir parentPK childDirId
// return the id to the parent
Note that I've also created a little helper function pkToInt
that extracts the integer id from the PrimaryKey
Here is all the code in one chunk:
open System
open System.IO
let nextIdentity =
let id = ref 0
fun () ->
id := !id + 1
type PrimaryKey =
| FileId of int
| DirId of int
/// Insert a DbFile record and return the new PrimaryKey
let insertDbFile name (fileSize:int64) =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s size:%i" "DbFile" id name fileSize
FileId id
/// Insert a DbDir record and return the new PrimaryKey
let insertDbDir name =
let id = nextIdentity()
printfn "%10s: inserting id:%i name:%s" "DbDir" id name
DirId id
/// Insert a DbDir_File record
let insertDbDir_File dirId fileId =
printfn "%10s: inserting parentDir:%i childFile:%i" "DbDir_File" dirId fileId
/// Insert a DbDir_Dir record
let insertDbDir_Dir parentDirId childDirId =
printfn "%10s: inserting parentDir:%i childDir:%i" "DbDir_Dir" parentDirId childDirId
let pkToInt primaryKey =
match primaryKey with
| FileId fileId -> fileId
| DirId dirId -> dirId
let insertFileSystemTree fileSystemItem =
let fFile (fi:FileInfo) =
insertDbFile fi.Name fi.Length
let fDir (di:DirectoryInfo) childIds =
let dirId = insertDbDir di.Name
let parentPK = pkToInt dirId
childIds |> Seq.iter (fun childId ->
match childId with
| FileId fileId -> insertDbDir_File parentPK fileId
| DirId childDirId -> insertDbDir_Dir parentPK childDirId
// return the id to the parent
|> Tree.cata fFile fDir
Now let's test it:
// get the current directory as a Tree
let currentDir = fromDir (DirectoryInfo("."))
// insert into the database
|> insertFileSystemTree
The output should look something like this:
DbDir: inserting id:41 name:FoldAndRecursiveTypes
DbFile: inserting id:42 name:Fold.fsx size:8315
DbDir_File: inserting parentDir:41 childFile:42
DbFile: inserting id:43 name:FoldAndRecursiveTypes.fsproj size:3680
DbDir_File: inserting parentDir:41 childFile:43
DbFile: inserting id:44 name:FoldAndRecursiveTypes.sln size:1010
DbDir_File: inserting parentDir:41 childFile:44
DbDir: inserting id:57 name:bin
DbDir: inserting id:58 name:Debug
DbDir_Dir: inserting parentDir:57 childDir:58
DbDir_Dir: inserting parentDir:41 childDir:57
You can see that the ids are being generated as the files are iterated over, and that each DbFile
insert is followed by a DbDir_File
The source code for this example is available at this gist.
Let's look at another common challenge: serializing and deserializing a tree to JSON, XML, or some other format.
Let's use the Gift domain again, but this time, we'll model the Gift
type as a tree. That means we get to put more than one thing in a box!
Here are the main types again, but notice that the final Gift
type is defined as a tree:
type Book = {title: string; price: decimal}
type ChocolateType = Dark | Milk | SeventyPercent
type Chocolate = {chocType: ChocolateType ; price: decimal}
type WrappingPaperStyle =
| HappyBirthday
| HappyHolidays
| SolidColor
// unified data for non-recursive cases
type GiftContents =
| Book of Book
| Chocolate of Chocolate
// unified data for recursive cases
type GiftDecoration =
| Wrapped of WrappingPaperStyle
| Boxed
| WithACard of string
type Gift = Tree<GiftContents,GiftDecoration>
As usual, we can create some helper functions to assist with constructing a Gift
let fromBook book =
LeafNode (Book book)
let fromChoc choc =
LeafNode (Chocolate choc)
let wrapInPaper paperStyle innerGift =
let container = Wrapped paperStyle
InternalNode (container, [innerGift])
let putInBox innerGift =
let container = Boxed
InternalNode (container, [innerGift])
let withCard message innerGift =
let container = WithACard message
InternalNode (container, [innerGift])
let putTwoThingsInBox innerGift innerGift2 =
let container = Boxed
InternalNode (container, [innerGift;innerGift2])
And we can create some sample data:
let wolfHall = {title="Wolf Hall"; price=20m}
let yummyChoc = {chocType=SeventyPercent; price=5m}
let birthdayPresent =
|> fromBook
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
|> withCard "Happy Birthday"
let christmasPresent =
|> fromChoc
|> putInBox
|> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
let twoBirthdayPresents =
let thing1 = wolfHall |> fromBook
let thing2 = yummyChoc |> fromChoc
putTwoThingsInBox thing1 thing2
|> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
let twoWrappedPresentsInBox =
let thing1 = wolfHall |> fromBook |> wrapInPaper HappyHolidays
let thing2 = yummyChoc |> fromChoc |> wrapInPaper HappyBirthday
putTwoThingsInBox thing1 thing2
Functions like description
now need to handle a list of inner texts, rather than one. We'll just concat the strings together with an &
let description gift =
let fLeaf leafData =
match leafData with
| Book book ->
sprintf "'%s'" book.title
| Chocolate choc ->
sprintf "%A chocolate" choc.chocType
let fNode nodeData innerTexts =
let innerText = String.concat " & " innerTexts
match nodeData with
| Wrapped style ->
sprintf "%s wrapped in %A paper" innerText style
| Boxed ->
sprintf "%s in a box" innerText
| WithACard message ->
sprintf "%s with a card saying '%s'" innerText message
// main call
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode gift
Finally, we can check that the function still works as before, and that multiple items are handled correctly:
birthdayPresent |> description
// "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyBirthday paper with a card saying 'Happy Birthday'"
christmasPresent |> description
// "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
twoBirthdayPresents |> description
// "'Wolf Hall' & SeventyPercent chocolate in a box
// wrapped in HappyBirthday paper"
twoWrappedPresentsInBox |> description
// "'Wolf Hall' wrapped in HappyHolidays paper
// & SeventyPercent chocolate wrapped in HappyBirthday paper
// in a box"
Our Gift
type consists of many discriminated unions. In my experience, these do not serialize well. In fact, most complex types do not serialize well!
So what I like to do is define DTO types that are explicitly designed to be serialized well. In practice this means that the DTO types are constrained as follows:
- Only record types should be used.
- The record fields should consist only primitive values such as
By doing this, we also get some other advantages:
We gain control of the serialization output. These kinds of data types are handled the same by most serializers, while "strange" things such as unions can be interpreted differently by different libraries.
We have better control of error handling. My number one rule when dealing with serialized data is "trust no one". It's very common that the data is structured correctly but is invalid for the domain: supposedly non-null strings are null, strings are too long, integers are outside the correct bounds, and so on.
By using DTOs, we can be sure that the deserialization step itself will work. Then, when we convert the DTO to a domain type, we can do proper validation.
So, let's define some DTO types for out domain. Each DTO type will correspond to a domain type, so let's start with GiftContents
We'll define a corresponding DTO type called GiftContentsDto
as follows:
type GiftContentsDto = {
discriminator : string // "Book" or "Chocolate"
// for "Book" case only
bookTitle: string
// for "Chocolate" case only
chocolateType : string // one of "Dark" "Milk" "SeventyPercent"
// for all cases
price: decimal
Obviously, this quite different from the original GiftContents
, so let's look at the differences:
- First, it has the
, which allows deserializers to construct them using reflection. - Second, it has a
which indicates which case of the original union type is being used. Obviously, this string could be set to anything, so when converting from the DTO back to the domain type, we'll have to check that carefully! - Next is a series of fields, one for every possible item of data that needs to be stored. For example, in the
case, we need abookTitle
, while in theChocolate
case, we need the chocolate type. And finally theprice
field which is in both types. Note that the chocolate type is stored as a string as well, and so will also need special treatment when we convert from DTO to domain.
The GiftDecorationDto
type is created in the same way, with a discriminator and strings rather than unions.
type GiftDecorationDto = {
discriminator: string // "Wrapped" or "Boxed" or "WithACard"
// for "Wrapped" case only
wrappingPaperStyle: string // "HappyBirthday" or "HappyHolidays" or "SolidColor"
// for "WithACard" case only
message: string
Finally, we can define a GiftDto
type as being a tree that is composed of the two DTO types:
type GiftDto = Tree<GiftContentsDto,GiftDecorationDto>
Now that we have this DTO type, all we need to do is use
to convert from a Gift
to a GiftDto
And in order to do that, we need to create two functions: one that converts from GiftContents
to GiftContentsDto
and one
that converts from GiftDecoration
to GiftDecorationDto
Here's the complete code for giftToDto
, which should be self-explanatory:
let giftToDto (gift:Gift) :GiftDto =
let fLeaf leafData :GiftContentsDto =
match leafData with
| Book book ->
{discriminator= "Book"; bookTitle=book.title; chocolateType=null; price=book.price}
| Chocolate choc ->
let chocolateType = sprintf "%A" choc.chocType
{discriminator= "Chocolate"; bookTitle=null; chocolateType=chocolateType; price=choc.price}
let fNode nodeData :GiftDecorationDto =
match nodeData with
| Wrapped style ->
let wrappingPaperStyle = sprintf "%A" style
{discriminator= "Wrapped"; wrappingPaperStyle=wrappingPaperStyle; message=null}
| Boxed ->
{discriminator= "Boxed"; wrappingPaperStyle=null; message=null}
| WithACard message ->
{discriminator= "WithACard"; wrappingPaperStyle=null; message=message}
// main call fLeaf fNode gift
You can see that the case (Book
, Chocolate
, etc.) is turned into a discriminator
string and the chocolateType
is also turned into a string, just
as explained above.
I said above that a good DTO should be a record type. Well we have converted the nodes of the tree, but the tree itself is a union type!
We need to transform the Tree
type as well, into say a TreeDto
How can we do this? Just as for the gift DTO types, we will create a record type which contains all the data for both cases. We could use a discriminator
field as we did before, but this time, since there are only two choices, leaf and internal node, I'll just check whether the values are null or not when deserializing.
If the leaf value is not null, then the record must represent the LeafNode
case, otherwise the record must represent the InternalNode
Here's the definition of the data type:
/// A DTO that represents a Tree
/// The Leaf/Node choice is turned into a record
type TreeDto<'LeafData,'NodeData> = {
leafData : 'LeafData
nodeData : 'NodeData
subtrees : TreeDto<'LeafData,'NodeData>[] }
As before, the type has the CLIMutableAttribute
. And as before, the type has fields to store the data from all possible choices.
The subtrees
are stored as an array rather than a seq -- this makes the serializer happy!
To create a TreeDto
, we use our old friend cata
to assemble the record from a regular Tree
/// Transform a Tree into a TreeDto
let treeToDto tree : TreeDto<'LeafData,'NodeData> =
let fLeaf leafData =
let nodeData = Unchecked.defaultof<'NodeData>
let subtrees = [||]
{leafData=leafData; nodeData=nodeData; subtrees=subtrees}
let fNode nodeData subtrees =
let leafData = Unchecked.defaultof<'NodeData>
let subtrees = subtrees |> Seq.toArray
{leafData=leafData; nodeData=nodeData; subtrees=subtrees}
// recurse to build up the TreeDto
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode tree
Note that in F#, records are not nullable, so I am using Unchecked.defaultof<'NodeData>
rather than null
to indicate missing data.
Note also that I am assuming that LeafData
or NodeData
are reference types.
If LeafData
or NodeData
are ever value types like int
or bool
, then this approach will break down, because you won't be able to
tell the difference between a default value and a missing value. In which case, I'd switch to a discriminator field as before.
Alternatively, I could have used an IDictionary
. That would be less convenient to deserialize, but would avoid the need for null-checking.
Finally we can serialize the TreeDto
using a JSON serializer.
For this example, I am using the built-in DataContractJsonSerializer
so that I don't need to take
a dependency on a NuGet package. There are other JSON serializers that might be better for a serious project.
#r "System.Runtime.Serialization.dll"
open System.Runtime.Serialization
open System.Runtime.Serialization.Json
let toJson (o:'a) =
let serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'a>)
let encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
use stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream()
So, putting it all together, we have the following pipeline:
- Transform
that is,
to go fromTree<GiftContents,GiftDecoration>
- Transform
that is, useTree.cata
to go fromTree<GiftContentsDto,GiftDecorationDto>
- Serialize
to a JSON string
Here's some example code:
let goodJson = christmasPresent |> giftToDto |> treeToDto |> toJson
And here is what the JSON output looks like:
"leafData@": null,
"nodeData@": {
"discriminator@": "Wrapped",
"message@": null,
"wrappingPaperStyle@": "HappyHolidays"
"subtrees@": [
"leafData@": null,
"nodeData@": {
"discriminator@": "Boxed",
"message@": null,
"wrappingPaperStyle@": null
"subtrees@": [
"leafData@": {
"bookTitle@": null,
"chocolateType@": "SeventyPercent",
"discriminator@": "Chocolate",
"price@": 5
"nodeData@": null,
"subtrees@": []
The ugly @
signs on the field names are an artifact of serializing the F# record type.
This can be corrected with a bit of effort, but I'm not going to bother right now!
The source code for this example is available at this gist
Now that we have created the JSON, what about going the other way and loading it into a Gift
Simple! We just need to reverse the pipeline:
- Deserialize a JSON string into a
. - Transform a
into aTree
to usingdtoToTree
that is, go fromTreeDto<GiftContentsDto,GiftDecorationDto>
. We can't usecata
for this -- we'll have to create a little recursive loop. - Transform
that is,
to go fromTree<GiftContentsDto,GiftDecorationDto>
We can deserialize the TreeDto
using a JSON serializer.
let fromJson<'a> str =
let serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'a>)
let encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
use stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(s=str))
let obj = serializer.ReadObject(stream)
obj :?> 'a
What if the deserialization fails? For now, we will ignore any error handling and let the exception propagate.
To transform a TreeDto
into a Tree
we recursively loop through the record and its subtrees, turning each one into a InternalNode
or a LeafNode
, based on whether the appropriate field is null or not.
let rec dtoToTree (treeDto:TreeDto<'Leaf,'Node>) :Tree<'Leaf,'Node> =
let nullLeaf = Unchecked.defaultof<'Leaf>
let nullNode = Unchecked.defaultof<'Node>
// check if there is nodeData present
if treeDto.nodeData <> nullNode then
if treeDto.subtrees = null then
failwith "subtrees must not be null if node data present"
let subtrees = treeDto.subtrees |> dtoToTree
InternalNode (treeDto.nodeData,subtrees)
// check if there is leafData present
elif treeDto.leafData <> nullLeaf then
LeafNode (treeDto.leafData)
// if both missing then fail
failwith "expecting leaf or node data"
As you can see, a number of things could go wrong:
- What if the
fields are both null? - What if the
field is not null but thesubtrees
field is null?
Again, we will ignore any error handling and just throw exceptions (for now).
Question: Could we create a cata
for TreeDto
that would make this code simpler? Would it be worth it?
Now we have a proper tree, we can use
again to convert each leaf and internal node from a DTO to the proper domain type.
That means we need functions that map a GiftContentsDto
into a GiftContents
and a GiftDecorationDto
into a GiftDecoration
Here's the complete code -- it's a lot more complicated than going in the other direction!
The code can be grouped as follows:
- Helper methods (such as
) that convert a string into a proper domain type and throw an exception if the input is invalid. - Case converter methods (such as
) that convert an entire DTO into a case. - And finally, the
function itself. It looks at thediscriminator
field to see which case converter to call, and throws an exception if the discriminator value is not recognized.
let strToBookTitle str =
match str with
| null -> failwith "BookTitle must not be null"
| _ -> str
let strToChocolateType str =
match str with
| "Dark" -> Dark
| "Milk" -> Milk
| "SeventyPercent" -> SeventyPercent
| _ -> failwithf "ChocolateType %s not recognized" str
let strToWrappingPaperStyle str =
match str with
| "HappyBirthday" -> HappyBirthday
| "HappyHolidays" -> HappyHolidays
| "SolidColor" -> SolidColor
| _ -> failwithf "WrappingPaperStyle %s not recognized" str
let strToCardMessage str =
match str with
| null -> failwith "CardMessage must not be null"
| _ -> str
let bookFromDto (dto:GiftContentsDto) =
let bookTitle = strToBookTitle dto.bookTitle
Book {title=bookTitle; price=dto.price}
let chocolateFromDto (dto:GiftContentsDto) =
let chocType = strToChocolateType dto.chocolateType
Chocolate {chocType=chocType; price=dto.price}
let wrappedFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let wrappingPaperStyle = strToWrappingPaperStyle dto.wrappingPaperStyle
Wrapped wrappingPaperStyle
let boxedFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let withACardFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let message = strToCardMessage dto.message
WithACard message
/// Transform a GiftDto to a Gift
let dtoToGift (giftDto:GiftDto) :Gift=
let fLeaf (leafDto:GiftContentsDto) =
match leafDto.discriminator with
| "Book" -> bookFromDto leafDto
| "Chocolate" -> chocolateFromDto leafDto
| _ -> failwithf "Unknown leaf discriminator '%s'" leafDto.discriminator
let fNode (nodeDto:GiftDecorationDto) =
match nodeDto.discriminator with
| "Wrapped" -> wrappedFromDto nodeDto
| "Boxed" -> boxedFromDto nodeDto
| "WithACard" -> withACardFromDto nodeDto
| _ -> failwithf "Unknown node discriminator '%s'" nodeDto.discriminator
// map the tree fLeaf fNode giftDto
We can now assemble the pipeline that takes a JSON string and creates a Gift
let goodGift = goodJson |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// check that the description is unchanged
goodGift |> description
// "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
This works fine, but the error handling is terrible!
Look what happens if we corrupt the JSON a little:
let badJson1 = goodJson.Replace("leafData","leafDataXX")
let badJson1_result = badJson1 |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// Exception "The data contract type 'TreeDto' cannot be deserialized because the required data member 'leafData@' was not found."
We get an ugly exception.
Or what if a discriminator is wrong?
let badJson2 = goodJson.Replace("Wrapped","Wrapped2")
let badJson2_result = badJson2 |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// Exception "Unknown node discriminator 'Wrapped2'"
or one of the values for the WrappingPaperStyle DU?
let badJson3 = goodJson.Replace("HappyHolidays","HappyHolidays2")
let badJson3_result = badJson3 |> fromJson |> dtoToTree |> dtoToGift
// Exception "WrappingPaperStyle HappyHolidays2 not recognized"
We get lots of exceptions, and as as functional programmers, we should try to remove them whenever we can.
How we can do that will be discussed in the next section.
The source code for this example is available at this gist.
To address the error handling issue, we're going use the Result
type shown below:
type Result<'a> =
| Success of 'a
| Failure of string list
I'm not going to explain how it works here. If you are not familar with this approach, please read my post or watch my talk on the topic of functional error handling.
Let's revisit all the steps from the previous section, and use Result
rather than throwing exceptions.
When we deserialize the TreeDto
using a JSON serializer we will trap exceptions and turn them into a Result
let fromJson<'a> str =
let serializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'a>)
let encoding = System.Text.UTF8Encoding()
use stream = new System.IO.MemoryStream(encoding.GetBytes(s=str))
let obj = serializer.ReadObject(stream)
obj :?> 'a
|> Result.retn
| ex ->
Result.failWithMsg ex.Message
The signature of fromJson
is now string -> Result<'a>
As before, we transform a TreeDto
into a Tree
by recursively looping through the record and its subtrees, turning each one into a InternalNode
or a LeafNode
. This time, though, we use Result
to handle any errors.
let rec dtoToTreeOfResults (treeDto:TreeDto<'Leaf,'Node>) :Tree<Result<'Leaf>,Result<'Node>> =
let nullLeaf = Unchecked.defaultof<'Leaf>
let nullNode = Unchecked.defaultof<'Node>
// check if there is nodeData present
if treeDto.nodeData <> nullNode then
if treeDto.subtrees = null then
LeafNode <| Result.failWithMsg "subtrees must not be null if node data present"
let subtrees = treeDto.subtrees |> dtoToTreeOfResults
InternalNode (Result.retn treeDto.nodeData,subtrees)
// check if there is leafData present
elif treeDto.leafData <> nullLeaf then
LeafNode <| Result.retn (treeDto.leafData)
// if both missing then fail
LeafNode <| Result.failWithMsg "expecting leaf or node data"
// val dtoToTreeOfResults :
// treeDto:TreeDto<'Leaf,'Node> -> Tree<Result<'Leaf>,Result<'Node>>
But uh-oh, we now have a Tree
where every internal node and leaf is wrapped in a Result
. It's a tree of Results
The actual ugly signature is this: Tree<Result<'Leaf>,Result<'Node>>
But this type is useless as it stands -- what we really want is to merge all the errors together and return a Result
containing a Tree
How can we transform a Tree of Results into a Result of Tree?
The answer is to use a sequence
function which "swaps" the two types.
You can read much more about sequence
in my series on elevated worlds.
Note that we could also use the slightly more complicated traverse
variant to combine the map
and sequence
into one step,
but for the purposes of this demonstration, it's easier to understand if the steps are kept separate.
We need to create our own sequence
function for the Tree/Result combination. Luckily the creation of a sequence function
is a mechanical process:
- For the lower type (
) we need to defineapply
functions. See here for more details on whatapply
means. - For the higher type (
) we need to have acata
function, which we do. - In the catamorphism, each constructor of the higher type (
in this case) is replaced by an equivalent that is "lifted" to theResult
type (e.g.retn LeafNode <*> data
Here is the actual code -- don't worry if you can't understand it immediately. Luckily, we only need to write it once for each combination of types, so for any kind of Tree/Result combination in the future, we're set!
/// Convert a tree of Results into a Result of tree
let sequenceTreeOfResult tree =
// from the lower level
let (<*>) = Result.apply
let retn = Result.retn
// from the traversable level
let fLeaf data =
retn LeafNode <*> data
let fNode data subitems =
let makeNode data items = InternalNode(data,items)
let subItems = Result.sequenceSeq subitems
retn makeNode <*> data <*> subItems
// do the traverse
Tree.cata fLeaf fNode tree
// val sequenceTreeOfResult :
// tree:Tree<Result<'a>,Result<'b>> -> Result<Tree<'a,'b>>
Finally, the actual dtoToTree
function is simple -- just send the treeDto
through dtoToTreeOfResults
and then use sequenceTreeOfResult
convert the final result into a Result<Tree<..>>
, which is just what we need.
let dtoToTree treeDto =
treeDto |> dtoToTreeOfResults |> sequenceTreeOfResult
// val dtoToTree : treeDto:TreeDto<'a,'b> -> Result<Tree<'a,'b>>
Again we can use
to convert each leaf and internal node from a DTO to the proper domain type.
But our functions will handle errors, so they need to map a GiftContentsDto
into a Result<GiftContents>
and a GiftDecorationDto
into a Result<GiftDecoration>
. This results in a Tree of Results again, and so we'll have to
use sequenceTreeOfResult
again to get it back into the correct Result<Tree<..>>
Let's start with the helper methods (such as strToChocolateType
) that convert a string into a proper domain type.
This time, they return a Result
rather than throwing an exception.
let strToBookTitle str =
match str with
| null -> Result.failWithMsg "BookTitle must not be null"
| _ -> Result.retn str
let strToChocolateType str =
match str with
| "Dark" -> Result.retn Dark
| "Milk" -> Result.retn Milk
| "SeventyPercent" -> Result.retn SeventyPercent
| _ -> Result.failWithMsg (sprintf "ChocolateType %s not recognized" str)
let strToWrappingPaperStyle str =
match str with
| "HappyBirthday" -> Result.retn HappyBirthday
| "HappyHolidays" -> Result.retn HappyHolidays
| "SolidColor" -> Result.retn SolidColor
| _ -> Result.failWithMsg (sprintf "WrappingPaperStyle %s not recognized" str)
let strToCardMessage str =
match str with
| null -> Result.failWithMsg "CardMessage must not be null"
| _ -> Result.retn str
The case converter methods have to build a Book
or Chocolate
from parameters that are Result
s rather than normal values. This is
where lifting functions like Result.lift2
can help.
For details on how this works, see this post on lifting and this one on validation with applicatives.
let bookFromDto (dto:GiftContentsDto) =
let book bookTitle price =
Book {title=bookTitle; price=price}
let bookTitle = strToBookTitle dto.bookTitle
let price = Result.retn dto.price
Result.lift2 book bookTitle price
let chocolateFromDto (dto:GiftContentsDto) =
let choc chocType price =
Chocolate {chocType=chocType; price=price}
let chocType = strToChocolateType dto.chocolateType
let price = Result.retn dto.price
Result.lift2 choc chocType price
let wrappedFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let wrappingPaperStyle = strToWrappingPaperStyle dto.wrappingPaperStyle Wrapped wrappingPaperStyle
let boxedFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
Result.retn Boxed
let withACardFromDto (dto:GiftDecorationDto) =
let message = strToCardMessage dto.message WithACard message
And finally, the dtoToGift
function itself is changed to return a Result
if the discriminator
is invalid.
As before, this mapping creates a Tree of Results, so we pipe the output of the
through sequenceTreeOfResult
` fLeaf fNode giftDto |> sequenceTreeOfResult`
... to return a Result of Tree.
Here's the complete code for dtoToGift
open TreeDto_WithErrorHandling
/// Transform a GiftDto to a Result<Gift>
let dtoToGift (giftDto:GiftDto) :Result<Gift>=
let fLeaf (leafDto:GiftContentsDto) =
match leafDto.discriminator with
| "Book" -> bookFromDto leafDto
| "Chocolate" -> chocolateFromDto leafDto
| _ -> Result.failWithMsg (sprintf "Unknown leaf discriminator '%s'" leafDto.discriminator)
let fNode (nodeDto:GiftDecorationDto) =
match nodeDto.discriminator with
| "Wrapped" -> wrappedFromDto nodeDto
| "Boxed" -> boxedFromDto nodeDto
| "WithACard" -> withACardFromDto nodeDto
| _ -> Result.failWithMsg (sprintf "Unknown node discriminator '%s'" nodeDto.discriminator)
// map the tree fLeaf fNode giftDto |> sequenceTreeOfResult
The type signature of dtoToGift
has changed -- it now returns a Result<Gift>
rather than just a Gift
// val dtoToGift : GiftDto -> Result<GiftUsingTree.Gift>
We can now reassemble the pipeline that takes a JSON string and creates a Gift
But changes are needed to work with the new error handling code:
- The
function returns aResult<TreeDto>
but the next function in the pipeline (dtoToTree
) expects a regularTreeDto
as input. - Similarly
returns aResult<Tree>
but the next function in the pipeline (dtoToGift
) expects a regularTree
as input.
In both case, Result.bind
can be used to solve that problem of mis-matched output/input. See here for a more detailed discussion of bind.
Ok, let's try deserializing the goodJson
string we created earlier.
let goodGift = goodJson |> fromJson |> Result.bind dtoToTree |> Result.bind dtoToGift
// check that the description is unchanged
goodGift |> description
// Success "SeventyPercent chocolate in a box wrapped in HappyHolidays paper"
That's fine.
Let's see if the error handling has improved now. We'll corrupt the JSON again:
let badJson1 = goodJson.Replace("leafData","leafDataXX")
let badJson1_result = badJson1 |> fromJson |> Result.bind dtoToTree |> Result.bind dtoToGift
// Failure ["The data contract type 'TreeDto' cannot be deserialized because the required data member 'leafData@' was not found."]
Great! We get an nice Failure
Or what if a discriminator is wrong?
let badJson2 = goodJson.Replace("Wrapped","Wrapped2")
let badJson2_result = badJson2 |> fromJson |> Result.bind dtoToTree |> Result.bind dtoToGift
// Failure ["Unknown node discriminator 'Wrapped2'"]
or one of the values for the WrappingPaperStyle DU?
let badJson3 = goodJson.Replace("HappyHolidays","HappyHolidays2")
let badJson3_result = badJson3 |> fromJson |> Result.bind dtoToTree |> Result.bind dtoToGift
// Failure ["WrappingPaperStyle HappyHolidays2 not recognized"]
Again, nice Failure
What's very nice (and this is something that the exception handling approach can't offer) is that if there is more than one error, the various errors can be aggregated so that we get a list of all the things that went wrong, rather than just one error at a time.
Let's see this in action by introducing two errors into the JSON string:
// create two errors
let badJson4 = goodJson.Replace("HappyHolidays","HappyHolidays2")
let badJson4_result = badJson4 |> fromJson |> Result.bind dtoToTree |> Result.bind dtoToGift
// Failure ["WrappingPaperStyle HappyHolidays2 not recognized";
// "ChocolateType SeventyPercent2 not recognized"]
So overall, I'd say that's a success!
The source code for this example is available at this gist.
We've seen in this series how to define catamorphisms, folds, and in this post in particular, how to use them to solve real world problems. I hope these posts have been useful, and have provided you with some tips and insights that you can apply to your own code.
This series turned out to be a lot longer that I intended, so thanks for making it to the end! Cheers!