see for more details This mainly circuitpython code is designed to run the icetrackers we produced to monitor glaciers using Ublox M9P GNSS units. It does the following:
- wakes up the units at regular intervals (RTC enables the PSU)
- during GPS fixes the base feeds RTCM messages from the GPS to the radio
- when rovers get a fix they send the data back to the base
- at 12:00 and 24:00 the base sends all unsent data to the server in Southampton
designed to run on circuitpython - tested on version 8 needs modified GPS library, temperature and DS2131 RTC libraries
Uses Thing Plus SAMD51, Sparkfun M9P GPS, Adafruit FONA and XTSD flash/SD, DIGI SX868 radio. Sparkfun SWARM untested
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