Releases: kmicki/SteamDeckGyroDSU
v1.9 - Stability fix
- Fixed a bug: wrong buffer being processed into frame data - might have caused repeated frames
Additionally (not related to server's code):
- Enhancements to build script.
v1.8.1 - Update to the setup package
No changes in server's code.
- modified install/uninstall scripts in a setup package
- added update script ( in a setup package (@IBNobody)
v1.8 - Fix for freeze at startup
Fixes the problem of sporadic freezes when starting HID frame grab after client gets connected.
Closes #1.
v1.7 - Acceleration smoothing
Added additional smoothing filter when acceleration changes by a very small amount.
v1.6 - Fix for server stall
There is an issue of a HID frame grabbing task not starting properly sporadically and being stuck.
As a workaround: Fixed an emergency abort mechanism to detect the stall and completely abort the process.
When server is running as a service, it will be restarted and should work again.
Related issue: #1
v1.5 - Further motion stability improvements
Tuned gyro deadzones and acceleration filter to further reduce jerkiness.
v1.4.1 Installation package
No changes in the code of the server.
Providing an installation package that doesn't require unlocking filesystem or compiling code.
Just download zip and:
cd SteamDeckGyroDSUSetup
It will install the DSU server as a service. It can also be used to update to the new version.
If it is necessary, the script will inform about system restart requirement.
Package contains also an uninstall script. To uninstall:
v1.4 - Update script
Added update script to the repository.
the application now displays version when starting (in stdout), if running as a service, last stdout messages can be checked by running:
systemctl --user status sdgyrodsu.service
v1.3 - Motion stability update
General purpose of this update is to reduce the motion jitter.
- added deadzone to gyro (angular speed) readings (0.5 deg/s)
- added minimum change in acceleration (~0.0078g)
- because of the way the HID device is read, once in a while some frames are skipped and lost, this update adds replication of frames in place of lost ones to provide a client with constant packet frequency
- probably the main culprit - sending repeated packets after read fail and HID file reopen - is fixed (rather worked around) in this update.
v1.2 - Optimizations
- heavily optimized CPU usage during sending of motion data (~3x less usage)
- auto-adjusting HID frame grab scan time to reduce frequency of lost frames