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v0.97: Update shi7_trimmer for PE mode
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GabeAl authored Jan 24, 2018
1 parent edebe3c commit 94d9a88
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Showing 2 changed files with 182 additions and 141 deletions.
141 changes: 0 additions & 141 deletions src/ninja_shi7.c

This file was deleted.

182 changes: 182 additions & 0 deletions src/shi7_trimmer.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SHOW_USAGE() {\
printf( "\nWelcome to the SHort-read Iterative Trimmer (SHI7) v0.89. Usage:\n");\
printf( "NINJA_SHI7 in_seqs.fastq out_prefix MINLEN QUAL <QUAL_RIGHT> ...\n");\
printf( "Choose one of the following optional trimming methods:\n");\
printf( " [ROLLING X [PREROLL/POSTROLL]] For rolling average over X bases\n" );\
printf( " PREROLL allows initial windows < X. POSTROLL adds back X to both sides.\n");\
printf( " [FLOOR X] Cut until X consecutive bases have minimum quality\n");\
printf( " [CUT] Treat 'QUAL' and 'QUAL_RIGHT' as number of bases to blindly cut\n");\
printf( "[ASS_QUALITY X] Chuck reads under minimum average quality X (after trim).\n");\
printf( "[N-IFY X] Magically transform crap quality (<= X) into ambiguous bases.\n");\
printf( "[R2 in_seqsR2.fastq]: Invoke paired-end mode with specified R2.\n");\
printf("\nOh, you'll want to add 31 to all quality args if you're on ol' PHRED64.\n");\
exit(1); \
char BUFFER[4096] = {0};
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// It's best to start all encounters with arguments.
if (argc < 5 || argc > 14) SHOW_USAGE()
int minLen = atoi(argv[3]), tleft = atoi(argv[4]), tright = tleft, doRoll = 0, doCut = 0;
int preroll = 0, postroll = 0, doFloor = 0, ass_quality = 0, nify = 0; double damned = 0;
char *pair = 0;
if (!strcmp(argv[argc-2],"R2"))
pair = argv[argc-1], argc -= 2,
printf("Crikey, so these are mate pairs mate.\n");
if (!strcmp(argv[argc-2],"N-IFY"))
nify = atoi(argv[argc-1]), argc -=2,
printf("N-ifying all bases of quality <= %d.\n",nify);
if (!strcmp(argv[argc-2],"ASS_QUALITY"))
ass_quality = atoi(argv[argc-1]), argc -=2,
printf("Chucking reads of ass quality (%d).\n",ass_quality);
if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"PREROLL"))
--argc, preroll = 1;
else if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"POSTROLL"))
--argc, postroll = 1;
if (!strcmp(argv[argc-2],"ROLLING"))
doRoll = atoi(argv[argc-1]), argc -= 2,
printf("Using rolling average of %d bases%s.\n",
doRoll, preroll? " (preroll)" : postroll? " (postroll)" : "");
else if (!strcmp(argv[argc-2],"FLOOR"))
doFloor = atoi(argv[argc-1]), argc -=2,
printf("Using FLOOR of %d bases.\n",doFloor);
else if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"CUT"))
printf("Cutting off %d bases on the left and %d on the right.\n",tleft,tright),
doCut = 1, --argc;
if (argc > 5) // Well, the last thing left is QUAL_RIGHT, RIGHT?
tright = atoi(argv[5]);
printf("The minimum length a read can be is %d bases.\n",minLen);
if (!doCut) printf("Trimming while quality < %d on left, < %d on right.\n",tleft,tright);

// Go through their files, C the contents. C what I did there? C?
sprintf(BUFFER,"%s%s.fq",argv[2],pair? ".R1" : "");
FILE *in = fopen(argv[1],"rb"), *in2 = 0, *out = fopen(BUFFER,"wb"), *out2 = 0;
if (pair)
in2=fopen(pair,"rb"), out2 = fopen(BUFFER,"wb");
if (!in || !out || (pair && (!in2 || !out2))) {
puts("Can't open input or output file(s)!"); exit(1);}
char *Head = malloc(UINT16_MAX), *Seq = malloc(UINT16_MAX),
*Shi7 = malloc(UINT16_MAX), *Qual = malloc(UINT16_MAX),
*Head2 = 0, *Seq2 = 0, *Shi72 = 0, *Qual2 = 0;
if (pair) Head2 = malloc(UINT16_MAX), Seq2 = malloc(UINT16_MAX),
Shi72 = malloc(UINT16_MAX), Qual2 = malloc(UINT16_MAX);
size_t crap = 0, decency = 0, totI = 0, totJ = 0, totLen = 0, length, length2=0;
int *Scores = calloc(doRoll,sizeof(*Scores));
while (Head = fgets(Head,UINT16_MAX,in)) {
Seq = fgets(Seq, UINT16_MAX, in);
Shi7 = fgets(Shi7, UINT16_MAX, in);
Qual = fgets(Qual, UINT16_MAX, in);
length = strlen(Qual);
if (Qual[length-1]=='\n') --length;
if (Qual[length-1]=='\r') --length;
if (pair) {
Head2 = fgets(Head2, UINT16_MAX, in2);
Seq2 = fgets(Seq2, UINT16_MAX, in2);
Shi72 = fgets(Shi72, UINT16_MAX, in2);
Qual2 = fgets(Qual2, UINT16_MAX, in2);
length2 = strlen(Qual2);
if (Qual2[length2-1]=='\n') --length2;
if (Qual2[length2-1]=='\r') --length2;
int L, R, L2=0, R2=0;
double darned = 0; // A fitting euphamism
// Double the mates, half the fun? Quite the mechanism, aPairEndly
for (int z = 0; z <= (pair != 0); ++z) {
char *TQual; size_t TLen;
if (z) TQual = Qual2, TLen = length2;
else TQual = Qual, TLen = length;
// Read--no, FEEL the quality (some have gotta 'lookahead').
int i, j;
if (doRoll) { // Do the rolling average thing. Fill-all FILO queues
int total = 0; int roll = 0, pos = 0;
for (i = 0; i < TLen; i++) {
Scores[pos] = TQual[i] - 33;
total += Scores[pos];
if (++pos == doRoll) pos = 0;
if (roll == doRoll) total -= Scores[pos];
else {++roll; if (!preroll) continue;}
if ((float)total/roll > (float)tleft) break;
if (postroll) i -= roll - 1;
if (i == TLen) {++crap; goto HELL;}
total = 0; roll = 0; pos = 0;
for (j = TLen-1; j > i; j--) {
Scores[pos] = TQual[j] - 33;
total += Scores[pos];
if (++pos == doRoll) pos = 0;
if (roll == doRoll) total -= Scores[pos];
else {++roll; if (!preroll) continue;}
if ((float)total/roll > (float)tright) break;
if (postroll) j += roll - 1;
else if (doFloor) { // Yeah, I'm floored by this sucker too.
int row = 0;
for (i = 0; i < TLen; i++) {
if (TQual[i] - 33 > tleft) ++row;
else row = 0;
if (row == doFloor) break;
i -= doFloor - 1;
if (i == TLen) {++crap; goto HELL;}
row = 0;
for (j = TLen-1; j > i; j--) {
if (TQual[j] - 33 > tright) ++row;
else row = 0;
if (row == doFloor) break;
j += doFloor - 1;
else if (doCut) // Idiotically slice off a set number of bases.
i = tright, j = TLen - tleft - 1;
else { // By the way, the default trimming method is 'go till ya hit somethin good'
for (i = 0; i < TLen; i++)
if (TQual[i] - 33 > tleft) break;
if (i == TLen) {++crap; goto HELL;}
for (j = TLen-1; j > i; j--)
if (TQual[j] - 33 > tright) break;
if (j == i || j - i < minLen) {++crap; goto HELL;}
size_t abs = 0; for (int z = i; z < j; z++) abs += TQual[z];
double thisAvgQ = (double)abs/(j - i);
if (thisAvgQ - 33 < ass_quality) {++crap; goto HELL;}
darned += thisAvgQ;
if (z) L2 = i, R2 = j;
else L = i, R = j;
damned += darned;

// Regurgitate the sequence(s). They're (prolly) OK enough if they made it this far down.
for (int z = L; z < R; z++) fprintf(out,"%c",Qual[z] - 33 > nify ? Seq[z] : 'N');
for (int z = L; z < R; z++) fprintf(out,"%c",Qual[z]);
if (pair) {
for (int z = L2; z < R2; z++) fprintf(out2,"%c",Qual2[z] - 33 > nify ? Seq2[z] : 'N');
for (int z = L2; z < R2; z++) fprintf(out2,"%c",Qual2[z]);
totLen += (R - L) + (R2 - L2);
totI += L+L2, totJ += (length - R) + (length2 - R2);

printf("Done. %ld sequences were utter shi7, quality-wise.\n",crap);
printf("And %ld sequences were decent.\n", decency);
printf("The average trimmed length was %0.2f.\n", (double)totLen/decency/(1+(pair!=0)));
printf("On average, the cut bases were: %0.2f (left), %0.2f (right).\n",
(double)totI/decency/(1+(pair!=0)), (double)totJ/decency/(1+(pair!=0)));
printf("The average read quality was %0.3f.\n-----\n", damned/decency/(1+(pair!=0)) - 33);
return 0;

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