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SHI7 (SHort-read Iterative Trimmer) for Linux, Mac, and Windows (WSL)

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@GabeAl GabeAl released this 14 Jun 23:40
· 201 commits to master since this release


  • Fixed some wording in the options and output logs
  • Changed defaults for trimming (now stricter)
  • Changed defaults for stitching (now allows as little as 10 bases of overlap)
  • Added '-outies' shorthand (use as -outies f for instance)
  • Increased aggressiveness of trimming in palindrome (paired end) mode when safe
  • Now has a DOI for citation purposes

Installation instructions:

Extract to a directory in your executable PATH (or anywhere, and add that directory to PATH). Windows users, use the "linux" package in the WSL environment (compatible with Windows 10 Creator's update and later).

Use by calling anywhere.


Please cite SHI7 like so:
Al-Ghalith GA, Ang K, Hillmann B, Knights D. (2017). SHI7: A Streamlined short-read iterative trimming pipeline. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.885570 DOI