This file (.vtk) contains the manual annotations of the worker bumblebee brain atlas. It can be loaded into ITK-Snap and read out as segmentations of different neuropil regions
This file (.tif) contains the template for the worker bumblebee brain atlas. It can be used to register samples to, and can be opened in FIJI.
These files (.h5) contain the SLEAP output of body part locations and identity tracks for all trials.
This file (.mat) contains the lab frame coordinates for the top center of the arena for each behavior trial, to allow all bee tracks to be converted to the same coordinate system.
We used the technique described in "Mapping the stereotyped behaviour of freely-moving fruit flies” by Berman, GJ, Choi, DM, Bialek, W, and Shaevitz, JW, J. Royal Society Interface, 99, 20140672 (2014). See for details.
Our composition data analysis is based on "Cerebellar contributions to a brainwide network for flexible behavior" by Verpeut, JL, Bergeler, S, Kislin, M, Townes, FW, Klibaite, U, Dhanerwala, ZM, Hoag, A, Jung, C, Lee, J, Pisano, TJ, Seagraves, KM, Shaevitz, JW, and Wang, SS-H, bioRxiv (2021). See for details.