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An AI project for Blackjack based on deep reinforcement learning, using Deep Q-Networks (DQN) to train agents that learn optimal game strategies.
- 🧠 AI Agent: Intelligent agent trained using Deep Q-Learning algorithm to master complex Blackjack strategies
- 🎮 Human vs. AI: Play against the trained AI opponent
- 📊 Card Analysis: AI analyzes cards that have appeared to adjust decision strategies
- 🔄 Adaptive Learning: AI continuously improves its gameplay through extensive training
Note: The current implementation is a simplified version of Blackjack, focusing on basic hit and stand decisions, excluding the following advanced features:
- Splitting pairs
- Double Down
- Insurance
- Surrender
This simplified design allows the AI to focus on learning core strategies. Future versions plan to gradually add these advanced features to expand game complexity and strategic depth.
├── blackjack_env.py # Blackjack game environment implementation
├── dqn_agent.py # Deep Q-Network agent implementation
├── play_with_ai.py # Human vs. AI interface
├── train.py # AI training script
├── models/ # Saved trained models
└── requirements.txt # Project dependencies
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/korman/blackjack-ai.git cd blackjack-ai
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python train.py
After training, the model will be saved in the models/
python play_with_ai.py
Follow the on-screen prompts to play:
: Hit (request another card)s
: Stand (end your turn)
The AI understands the game state through a 15-dimensional vector:
- 2 player state features: hand value and availability of usable Ace
- 13 card counting features: tracking the distribution of known cards
- Network Structure: Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) with 15 neurons in the input layer, hidden layers, and 2 neurons in the output layer (corresponding to hit and stand actions)
- Learning Mechanism: Experience Replay and Double Network Architecture
- Decision Strategy: ε-greedy policy, exploring during training and selecting optimal actions during gameplay
Standard Blackjack rules:
- The goal is to get a hand value as close to 21 as possible without exceeding it
- Number cards are worth their face value, J/Q/K are worth 10 points, and A can be worth 1 or 11 points
- Players can choose to hit (draw a card) or stand (end their turn)
- Busting (exceeding 21 points) results in automatic loss
- When the dealer busts, all non-busted players win
This project was created for educational purposes to learn about deep reinforcement learning and AI applications.