MacOSX Automator script to mute / unmute master microphone globally for whole system.
In isolation we have lots of voice calls, and we need often put our microphone on Mute and back Unmute it. It's a pain to look for the mute/unmute button to click it.
So, the solution is to configure Hotkey to manage the case globally, i.e. independent on an application you use for communications.
Here is a good how-to article on Medium ( how to configure such script. But the script has an issue with the microphone status transparency, that's why I changed the script, which does the job. So, you should read the article and follow all the steps, but use script below:
on getMicrophoneVolume()
input volume of (get volume settings)
end getMicrophoneVolume
on disableMicrophone()
set volume input volume 0
display notification "Master microphone is on MUTE" with title "Global microphone settings" subtitle "OFF" sound name "Frog"
end disableMicrophone
on enableMicrophone()
set volume input volume 100
display notification "Master microphone is on UNmute" with title "Global microphone settings" subtitle "ON" sound name "Frog"
end enableMicrophone
if getMicrophoneVolume() is greater than 0 then
end if