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update trending 2016-03-01
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qinwf committed Mar 1, 2016
1 parent 7eae2ae commit e6eaf98
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Showing 5 changed files with 127 additions and 61 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions all_time.csv
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Expand Up @@ -29,3 +29,34 @@
114 changes: 57 additions & 57 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -4,71 +4,71 @@

## Top-Starred R GitHub Repos: Trending

**Trending from 2016-01-01 to 2016-02-18**
**Trending from 2016-02-01 to 2016-03-01**

1. [dgrtwo/gganimate]( **202**<br/>Create easy animations with ggplot2
1. [slowkow/ggrepel]( **191**<br/>:round_pushpin: Repel overlapping text labels away from each other.
1. [softdorothy/glider_pro]( **178**<br/>Sources for the Macintosh game, Glider PRO, written by John Calhoun and published by Casady & Green Inc.
1. [walkerkq/textmining_southpark]( **121**<br/>
1. [thomasp85/ggraph]( **97**<br/>Grammar of Graph Graphics
1. [toddwschneider/nyc-citibike-data]( **81**<br/>NYC Citi Bike system data and analysis
1. [dgrtwo/gganimate]( **211**<br/>Create easy animations with ggplot2
1. [walkerkq/textmining_southpark]( **135**<br/>
1. [thomasp85/tweenr]( **56**<br/>Interpolate your data
1. [softdorothy/glider_4]( **47**<br/>Original sources to Glider 4.0 by John Calhoun, originally published by Casady & Green Inc.
1. [thomasp85/ggforce]( **38**<br/>Accelarating ggplot2
1. [lionel-/ggstance]( **28**<br/>
1. [softdorothy/pararena_2]( **21**<br/>Sources to Pararena, the commercial Macintosh game by John Calhoun, published by Casady & Greene, Inc.
1. [softdorothy/glypha_III]( **21**<br/>Sources to the shareware game for the Macintosh written by John Calhoun in the 90's.
1. [rstudio/tufte]( **21**<br/>Tufte Styles for R Markdown Documents
1. [yukiegosapporo/2016-01-12-mini-ai-app-using-tensorflow-and-shiny]( **18**<br/>
1. [wmurphyrd/BernieTax]( **18**<br/>
1. [kjhealy/]( **15**<br/>Code for DataViz course website
1. [trinker/rnltk]( **15**<br/>
1. [hadley/monads]( **15**<br/>Work with Monads in R
1. [MangoTheCat/remotes]( **13**<br/>Install R packages from GitHub repositories
1. [BillPetti/baseballr]( **13**<br/>A package written for R focused on baseball analysis. Currently in development.
1. [Keiku/kaggle-airbnb-recruiting-new-user-bookings]( **13**<br/>2nd Place Solution in Kaggle Airbnb New User Bookings competition
1. [leeper/ghit]( **11**<br/>Lightweight GitHub Package Installer
1. [Keiku/kaggle-airbnb-recruiting-new-user-bookings]( **21**<br/>2nd Place Solution in Kaggle Airbnb New User Bookings competition
1. [calligross/ggthemeassist]( **17**<br/>An RStudio addin for ggplot2 theme tweaking
1. [kjhealy/]( **16**<br/>Code for DataViz course website
1. [hadley/monads]( **16**<br/>Work with Monads in R
1. [ottlngr/ggThemeR]( **14**<br/>ggThemeR - RStudio Addin
1. [mexindian/TileMaker]( **10**<br/>An R script that enables the creation of data tiles for inclusion in a html dashboard or some such.
1. [ellisp/ggseas]( **9**<br/>seasonal adjustment on the fly extension for ggplot2
1. [rohanrao91/AnalyticsVidhya_LastManStanding]( **8**<br/>Last Man Standing competition on AnalyticsVidhya
1. [rohanrao91/Kaggle_AirBnB]( **8**<br/>AirBnB competition on Kaggle
1. [mcpasin/schedule-Rmarkdown-report-via-email]( **7**<br/>Automate an R markdown report and email it as an attached document (with the Windows task scheduler)
1. [kateto/R-igraph-Network-Workshop-NetSciX]( **7**<br/>NetSciX 2016 workshop on network analysis and visualization with R and igraph
1. [yrochat/twitterplayssnake]( **7**<br/>Plays snake collectively on Twitter
1. [MangoTheCat/swli]( **6**<br/>Star Wars Lorem Ipsum generator
1. [hadley/hadladdin]( **6**<br/>RStudio add-ins by Hadley
1. [wrathematics/getPass]( **8**<br/>Password function for R with masking (where supported)
1. [kjhealy/endlabel-example]( **7**<br/>
1. [tonyfujs/upshot_scalia]( **7**<br/>
1. [lgatto/2016-02-25-adv-programming-EMBL]( **6**<br/>More robust R programming, testing and debugging
1. [dahtah/eyelinker]( **6**<br/>R package for reading Eyelink eye tracking data
1. [expersso/WHO]( **5**<br/>Programmatic Data Retrieval from the World Health Organization
1. [walkerke/texas_pyramids]( **5**<br/>Shiny application to explore Texas county demographics
1. [pcbrom/]( **5**<br/>Robô de envio de mensagens (parabéns)
1. [seankross/minimap]( **5**<br/>:earth_americas: Create Tile Grid Maps
1. [paragkale/kaggle-airbnb]( **4**<br/>Solution to the kaggle/airbnb competition
1. [paul-shannon/igvR]( **4**<br/>a simple R interface to the igv, a java program for viewing genome tracks
1. [bishwarup307/AV_Last_Man_Standing]( **4**<br/>
1. [kmunger/Text_as_Data]( **4**<br/>Code and some readings for lab sections of Text as Data, NYU Spring 2016
1. [expersso/pdftables]( **3**<br/>Programmatic Conversion of PDF Tables With R
1. [thibautjombart/dibbler]( **3**<br/>Investigation of food-borne disease outbreaks
1. [jennybc/bingo]( **3**<br/>Generate Bingo cards with R.
1. [richfitz/odin]( **3**<br/>ᚩ A DSL for describing and solving ordinary solving differential equations in R
1. [michaelpawlus/fundraising_analytics]( **3**<br/>The folder for all fundraising analytics projects
1. [ZacharyST/Twitter_AssignToCountry]( **3**<br/>

## Top-Starred R GitHub Repos: All-Time

1. [johnmyleswhite/ML_for_Hackers]( **2176**<br/>Code accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers"
1. [hadley/ggplot2]( **1682**<br/>An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R
1. [rstudio/shiny]( **1617**<br/>Easy interactive web applications with R
1. [swirldev/swirl_courses]( **1589**<br/>:mortar_board: A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.
1. [twitter/AnomalyDetection]( **1369**<br/>Anomaly Detection with R
1. [hadley/devtools]( **1190**<br/>Tools to make an R developer's life easier
1. [qinwf/awesome-R]( **1157**<br/>A curated list of awesome R frameworks, packages and software.
1. [yihui/knitr]( **1095**<br/>A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
1. [hadley/dplyr]( **1072**<br/>Plyr specialised for data frames: faster & with remote datastores
1. [szilard/benchm-ml]( **813**<br/>A minimal benchmark for scalability, speed and accuracy of commonly used open source implementations (R packages, Python scikit-learn, H2O, xgboost, Spark MLlib etc.) of the top machine learning algorithms for binary classification (random forests, gradient boosted trees, deep neural networks etc.).
1. [ramnathv/slidify]( **651**<br/>Generate reproducible html5 slides from R markdown
1. [amplab-extras/SparkR-pkg]( **571**<br/>R frontend for Spark
1. [jrnold/ggthemes]( **542**<br/>ggplot themes and scales
1. [toddwschneider/nyc-taxi-data]( **528**<br/>Import public NYC taxi and Uber trip data into PostgreSQL / PostGIS database, analyze with R
1. [rstudio/ggvis]( **513**<br/>Interactive grammar of graphics for R
1. [hadley/rvest]( **491**<br/>Simple web scraping for R
1. [hadley/httr]( **466**<br/>httr: a friendly http package for R
1. [rstudio/rmarkdown]( **452**<br/>Dynamic Documents for R
1. [genomicsclass/labs]( **451**<br/>Rmd source files for the HarvardX series PH525x
1. [johnmyleswhite/ML_for_Hackers]( **2183**<br/>Code accompanying the book "Machine Learning for Hackers"
1. [hadley/ggplot2]( **1692**<br/>An implementation of the Grammar of Graphics in R
1. [rstudio/shiny]( **1627**<br/>Easy interactive web applications with R
1. [swirldev/swirl_courses]( **1613**<br/>:mortar_board: A collection of interactive courses for the swirl R package.
1. [twitter/AnomalyDetection]( **1377**<br/>Anomaly Detection with R
1. [hadley/devtools]( **1199**<br/>Tools to make an R developer's life easier
1. [qinwf/awesome-R]( **1185**<br/>A curated list of awesome R frameworks, packages and software.
1. [yihui/knitr]( **1102**<br/>A general-purpose tool for dynamic report generation in R
1. [hadley/dplyr]( **1083**<br/>Plyr specialised for data frames: faster & with remote datastores
1. [szilard/benchm-ml]( **818**<br/>A minimal benchmark for scalability, speed and accuracy of commonly used open source implementations (R packages, Python scikit-learn, H2O, xgboost, Spark MLlib etc.) of the top machine learning algorithms for binary classification (random forests, gradient boosted trees, deep neural networks etc.).
1. [ramnathv/slidify]( **657**<br/>Generate reproducible html5 slides from R markdown
1. [amplab-extras/SparkR-pkg]( **572**<br/>R frontend for Spark
1. [jrnold/ggthemes]( **550**<br/>ggplot themes and scales
1. [toddwschneider/nyc-taxi-data]( **542**<br/>Import public NYC taxi and Uber trip data into PostgreSQL / PostGIS database, analyze with R
1. [rstudio/ggvis]( **515**<br/>Interactive grammar of graphics for R
1. [hadley/rvest]( **499**<br/>Simple web scraping for R
1. [hadley/httr]( **479**<br/>httr: a friendly http package for R
1. [rstudio/rmarkdown]( **460**<br/>Dynamic Documents for R
1. [genomicsclass/labs]( **456**<br/>Rmd source files for the HarvardX series PH525x
1. [rich-iannone/DiagrammeR]( **456**<br/>Create graph diagrams and flowcharts using R.
1. [google/CausalImpact]( **449**<br/>An R package for causal inference in time series
1. [rich-iannone/DiagrammeR]( **445**<br/>Create graph diagrams and flowcharts using R.
1. [swirldev/swirl]( **437**<br/>:cyclone: Learn R, in R.
1. [yihui/r-ninja]( **436**<br/>R语言忍者秘笈
1. [hadley/plyr]( **429**<br/>A R package for splitting, applying and combining large problems into simpler problems
1. [johnmyleswhite/ProjectTemplate]( **385**<br/>A template utility for R projects that provides a skeletal project.
1. [ropensci/plotly]( **359**<br/>Create interactive web graphics from R via plotly's JavaScript graphing library
1. [rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2]( **357**<br/>Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
1. [karthik/wesanderson]( **346**<br/>A Wes Anderson color palette for R
1. [smbache/magrittr]( **343**<br/>R package to bring forward-piping features ala F#'s |> operator. Ceci n'est pas un pipe.
1. [ramnathv/htmlwidgets]( **339**<br/>HTML Widgets for R
1. [swirldev/swirl]( **447**<br/>:cyclone: Learn R, in R.
1. [yihui/r-ninja]( **445**<br/>R语言忍者秘笈
1. [hadley/plyr]( **432**<br/>A R package for splitting, applying and combining large problems into simpler problems
1. [johnmyleswhite/ProjectTemplate]( **387**<br/>A template utility for R projects that provides a skeletal project.
1. [ropensci/plotly]( **378**<br/>Create interactive web graphics from R via plotly's JavaScript graphing library
1. [rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2]( **361**<br/>Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
1. [karthik/wesanderson]( **349**<br/>A Wes Anderson color palette for R
1. [smbache/magrittr]( **344**<br/>R package to bring forward-piping features ala F#'s |> operator. Ceci n'est pas un pipe.
1. [ramnathv/htmlwidgets]( **344**<br/>HTML Widgets for R

31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions trending.csv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,3 +29,34 @@
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions trending_repo.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,12 +3,14 @@ library(lubridate)

all_time = content(GET(''))

null_remove = function(x) ifelse(is.null(x),"",x)

gen_markdown = function(x){
sprintf("1. [%s](%s) **%d**<br/>%s",

all_time_markdown = sapply(all_time$items, gen_markdown)
Expand Down

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