- User should be able to add one item to the bag
- User should be able to add multiple items to the bag (I would test this area more and outcomes with reserved timeout)
- User should be able to remove some items from the cart
- User should be able to remove all items from the cart
- User should be able to safe product for later
- User should be able to get redirected to the checkout page after clicking on the checkout button
- User should be able to see return policy
- User should be able to see by who listed product
- User should be able to see price of the product from shoping bag
- User should be able to see shiping details of the product from shoping bag
- Verify the cart (total + tax) the same ass all sum of products.
- Verify that amount of products shown in the cart same as amount shouwn in the shoping bag icon
- User should be able to remove items from shoping bag icon
- User should be able to see for how long his shoping bag reserved
- User should be able to see recently viewed items
- User should be able to add items back to shoping bag from recently viewed items
- User should be able to get redirected to the product detail page after clicking on an item from recently viewed items
- User should be able to see financing options
- User should be able to get redirected to the product detail page after clicking on an item in the cart
Node version v13.14.0 or higher.
Google Chrome Version 97.0.0
- Git clone https://github.com/kosarsute/tradesy.git
- Run following command in a terminal: npm i
- To run test file - npx wdio wdio.conf.js