A plain VHDL implementation of a small microprocessor fully compatible with the ISA of the well known PicoBlaze by Ken Chapman.
The focus is on portability and easy extendability. This costs some performance (as little as 4% on a Virtex 7) and more resources (up to 2.5X on a Virtex 7). Details can be found in the PauloBlaze documentation.
The PauloBlaze is a simple collection of VHDL files, with the top level module described in sources/pauloBlaze.vhd
If you are using Xilinx ISE or Vivado, two projects are already set up. The ISE project includes a simple testbench running some program. The Vivado project includes the original KCPSM6 and a testbench running both processors in parallel and comparing their outputs. This is good for testing and debugging. Both testbenches can be easily added to ISE or Vivado.
- Clone this repository (
git clone https://github.com/krabo0om/pauloBlaze.git
) - Start ISE 14.7
- Open the project (
git clone https://github.com/krabo0om/pauloBlaze.git
cd pauloBlaze/projects/vivado
vivado -mode batch -source create_project.tcl
vivado PauloBlaze.xpr
Please refer to the issue tracker.