Allows the importing and exporting of a standard $this->data formatted array to and from csv files. Doesn't currently support HABTM. I may remove the component now that I created the behavior instead.
Importing, exporting and setup come with the same options and default values
$options = array(
// Refer to fgetcsv for more information
'length' => 0,
'delimiter' => ',',
'enclosure' => '"',
'escape' => '\\',
// Generates a Model.field headings row from the csv file
'headers' => true,
// If true, String $content is the data, not a path to the file
'text' => false,
- Add Component to controller
var $components = array('Csv.Csv' => $options);
Upload a csv file to the server
Import the csv file into your data variable:
Approach 1: Use a CSV file with the first row being Model.field headers
Post.title, Post.created, Post.modified, body, user_id,,, Category.0.description,, Category.1.description
..., ..., ...
$this->data = $this->Csv->import($content, $options);
Approach 2: Pass an array of fields (in order) to the method
$this->data = $this->Csv->import($content, array('Post.title', 'Post.created', 'Post.modified', 'body', 'user_id', '', 'Category.0.description', '', 'Category.1.description'));
- Process/save/whatever with the data
- Populate an $this->data type array
$data = $this->Post->find('all', array('recursive' => 0));
- Export to a file in a writeable directory
$this->Csv->export($filepath, $data, $options);
The instructions are identical to the component, except for a few method name changes and additional callbacks
- Add Behavior to the model
var $components = array('Csv.Csv' => $options);
Upload a csv file to the server
Follow instruction for the component, Import using
and export with$this->exportCsv()
beforeImportCsv($filename, $fields, $options)
returns boolean $continueafterImportCsv($data)
beforeExportCsv($filename, $data, $options)
returns boolean $continueafterExportCsv()