Efficient reliable UDP unicast, multicast, and IPC message transport.
For details of usage, protocol specification, FAQ, etc. please check out the Wiki.
For those who prefer to watch a video then try Aeron Messaging from StrangeLoop 2014. Things have moved on quite a bit with performance and some features but the basic design still applies.
For the latest version information and changes see the Change Log.
The latest release and downloads can be found in Maven Central.
- Protocol Specification
- Design Overview
- Design Principles
- Flow Control Semantics
- Media Driver Operation
Copyright 2014 - 2015 Real Logic Limited
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Client API and common classes
Media Driver
You require the following to build Aeron:
- Latest stable Oracle JDK 8
You must first build and install Agrona into the local maven repository
$ ./gradlew
After Agrona is compiled and installed, then you can build Aeron.
Full clean and build of all modules
$ ./gradlew
You require the following to build the C++ API for Aeron:
- 2.8.4 or higher of CMake
- C++11 supported compiler for the supported platform
- Requirements to build HdrHistogram_c. HdrHistogram requires clang
NOTE: Aeron is supported on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Windows builds require Visual Studio and are being developed with Visual Studio 2013 and 2015 with 64-bit builds only. Cygwin, MSys, etc. may work, but are not maintained at this time.
For convenience, a script is provided that does a full clean, build, and test of all targets as a Release build.
$ ./cppbuild/cppbuild
If you are comfortable with using CMake, then a full clean, build, and test looks like:
$ mkdir -p cppbuild/Debug
$ cd cppbuild/Debug
$ cmake ../..
$ cmake --build . --clean-first
$ ctest
If you have doxygen installed and want to build the Doxygen doc, there is a nice doc
target that can be used.
$ make doc
If you would like a packaged version of the compiled API, there is the package
target that uses CPack. If the doc
has been built previous to the packaging, it will be included. Packages created are "TGZ;STGZ", but can be changed
by running cpack
$ make package
Start up a media driver which will create the data and conductor directories. On Linux, this will probably be in /dev/shm/aeron
or /tmp/aeron
$ java -cp aeron-samples/build/libs/samples.jar uk.co.real_logic.aeron.driver.MediaDriver
Alternatively, specify the data and conductor directories. The following example uses the shared memory 'directory' on Linux, but you could just as easily point to the regular filesystem.
$ java -cp aeron-samples/build/libs/samples.jar -Daeron.dir=/dev/shm/aeron uk.co.real_logic.aeron.driver.MediaDriver
You can run the BasicSubscriber
from a command line. On Linux, this will be pointing to the /dev/shm
shared memory directory, so be sure your MediaDriver
is doing the same!
$ java -cp aeron-samples/build/libs/samples.jar uk.co.real_logic.aeron.samples.BasicSubscriber
You can run the BasicPublisher
from a command line. On Linux, this will be pointing to the /dev/shm
shared memory directory, so be sure your MediaDriver
is doing the same!
$ java -cp aeron-samples/build/libs/samples.jar uk.co.real_logic.aeron.samples.BasicPublisher
You can run the AeronStat
utility to read system counters from a command line
$ java -cp aeron-samples/build/libs/samples.jar uk.co.real_logic.aeron.samples.AeronStat
The Media Driver is packaged by the default build into an application that can be found here
- On linux, the subscriber sample throws an exception
java.lang.InternalError(a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code)
This is actually an out of disk space issue.
To alleviate, check to make sure you have enough disk space.
In the samples, on Linux, this will probably be either at /dev/shm/aeron
or /tmp/aeron
(depending on your settings).
See this thread for a similar problem.
Note: if you are trying to run this inside a Linux Docker, be aware that, by default, Docker only allocates 64 MB to the shared memory space at /dev/shm
. However, the samples will quickly outgrow this.
You can work around this issue by running your Docker container in privileged
mode and running this command:
mount -t tmpfs -o remount,rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,size=1024M tmpfs /dev/shm
This will increase the size of /dev/shm
to 1 GB. Hopefully you have enough memory :)