Library to access the Monzo API via .NET.
Install-Package Monzo.Framework
- Set up Environment variable:
You can get your access token here if you have a Monzo Account.
All services in this library make use of the MonzoConfiguration
object. Each endpoint is also awaitable
// Create configuration object.
var configuration = new MonzoConfiguration();
// Create Account service and pass config.
var accountService = new AccountService(configuration);
// Get Accounts (awaitable)
var accounts = await accountService.GetAccountsAsync();
// Create configuration object.
var configuration = new MonzoConfiguration();
// Retrieve Accounts and select one.
var accountService = new AccountService(configuration);
var accounts = await accountService.GetAccountsAsync();
var account = accounts.Result.AccountCollection.First();
// Create Balance service and retrieve.
var balanceservice = new BalanceService(configuration);
var balance = await balanceservice.GetBalanceAsync(account);
Transactions have multiple configurations. Each function can expand merchant information. You can currently retrieve:
- Single Transaction
- Multiple Transactions
- Multiple Transactions in a particular date period
// Retrieve Accounts and select one.
var accountService = new AccountService(configuration);
var accounts = await accountService.GetAccountsAsync();
var account = accounts.Result.AccountCollection.First();
// Construct transaction service.
var transactionService = new TransactionService(configuration);
// Get Transactions for an account.
var transactions = await transactionService.GetTransactionsAsync(account, false);
// Get all transactions for an account.
var transactions = await transactionService.GetTransactionAsync("transaction_id", false);
// Get all transactions between 05/01/18 and 10/01/18 for an account.
var transactions = await transactionService.GetTransactionsByDateAsync(
new DateTime(2018, 01, 05),
new DateTime(2018, 01, 10), false);
var potservice = new PotService(configuration);
var pots = potservice.GetPotsAsync()