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Releases: krivenko/KeldyshED.jl


20 Jun 08:53
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KeldyshED v0.7.0

  • This is the first release to be registered in the General package registry.
  • Added proper docstrings and created a documentation website on GitHub Pages.
  • A few new functions to compute full and reduced density matrices and evolution operators.
  • Hilbert: New functions matching_indices(), translate(), product_basis_map() and factorized_basis_map().
  • Hilbert: New operators and Base.(/) defined for pairs of FullHilbertSpace's.
  • Hilbert: A new overload of merge_subspaces!(). It merges some of the invariant subspaces in a SpacePartition object to ensure that the resulting subspaces are also invariant w.r.t. a given operator.
  • EDCore: New keyword argument symmetry_breakers of EDCore's constructor. It allows for passing an optional list of operators that must share invariant subspaces with the Hamiltonian.
  • EDCore: New functions tofockbasis(), toeigenbasis() and full_hs_matrix().
  • A few minor bug fixes.