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Releases: ks905383/xagg


17 Feb 17:34
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We have a new backend implementation for particularly large datasets! Try running your code with :

with xa.set_options(impl='numba'): 

and let us know your experiences!

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.2.4...v0.3.3


03 Oct 10:13
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Bug fixes

  • The impl='dot_prod' functionality now supports >2-D data

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.3.2.3...v0.3.2.4


21 Aug 18:14
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Minor updates

  • wm.diag_fig() no longer needs the extra subset_find step to homogenize grids
  • wm.diag_fig() now covered by tests
  • minor bug fixes

What's Changed

  • Create tests for diag_fig() robustness, make auxfuncs work with silent option by @ks905383 in #76

Full Changelog: v0.3.2.2...v0.3.2.3

08 Aug 22:07
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  • Regridding weights to the input dataset grid now uses the "conservative" regridding algorithm from xesmf instead of the "bilinear" one; the bilinear one is inappropriate for many weights (population, etc.), since it throws away many low-valued source boxes.
  • Weights now have nans set to 0 before regridding, to make sure nan pixels are included in weights. Since nans usually imply 0s in weights (for example, population weights for which water surfaces are set to nan), this prevents entire coarser pixels from being set to 0 if they overlap with a nan
  • Both of the above can be changed with xa.set_options(rgrd_alg='bilinear',nan_to_zero_regridding=False), respectively.

Bug fixes

  • wm.diag_fig() now accepts DataArrays, as stated in docs.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.2.1...v0.3.2.2


04 Jun 15:57
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Major updates

Creates a module-wide way to set defaults for :

  • silencing behavior
  • backend algorithm

So, for example, to set the backend to use the dot product implementation, call:

import xagg as xa

Alternatively, use a with block for individual chunks of code, here using an example with silent:

with xa.set_options(silent=True):
     wm = xa.pixel_overlaps(ds,gdf)

which silences all status updates.

Bug fixes

Closes #55 ; silent=True now should suppress all status updates to standard out.


14 Feb 00:11
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Major Changes


  • xesmf is now an optional dependency, which should remove a lot of installation issues; this should close #47 .
  • Support for Windows: the aux module has been renamed auxfuncs; together with making the xesmf dependency optional, this should close #23 #22 #58 .
  • The weightmap class now has a new method that creates diagnostic figures, showing individual polygons and the grid that overlaps with them, shaded by overlapping area. Try it out and let me know what you think! (wm.diag_fig())

Bug fixes

  • xagg is now more robust to grids with a challenging relationship with major longitudes / latitudes: notably, grids can now have grid cells that cross the antimeridian (following GeoJSON conventions of splitting those into MultiPolygons)
  • xa.aux.get_bnds() now works with grids that are misaligned with the antimeridian, that only partially cross the antimeridian, or that have half pixels at the poles
  • xa.core.process_weights() now will match weights grids to ds grids even if they are np.allclose() but not identical, and throws a warning if the resultant weights variables is entirely 0s or np.nans
  • xa.aux.normalize() will now return np.nan arrays if the vector is entirely 0s (to avoid the divide by 0 warning)
  • silent=True should now actually prevent all normal standard output. Most warnings are unaffected. Closes #55 .

Short Changelog

Full Changelog: v0.3.1.1...v0.3.2.0


29 Nov 20:12
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Bug Fixes

Fixes dimension mismatch issue in #50.


03 Jul 18:36
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New features:

  • Suppress status updates through silent=True feature, closes #38

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes incorrect for loop call, closes #37
  • Fixes warnings and errors from gpd.overlay(), closes #24
  • Addresses a few FutureWarnings, etc.
  • Fixes ESMF installation issue.


10 Apr 23:50
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Bug fixes

  • .to_dataset() functions again
  • .read_wm() is now loaded by default

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.3.0.1...v0.3.0.2


07 Apr 17:57
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Fixes dependency error in that was preventing publication of v0.3* on conda-forge.

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.0.1