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107 lines (87 loc) · 6.86 KB

M. tuberculosis variant identification pipeline

Pipeline for M. tuberculosis variant identification from paired-end or single short-read data for epidemiology and phylogenetics. Briefly, this pipeline takes raw short-read Illumina data, pre-processes reads (read adapter trimming and taxonomic filtering), maps reads to a provided reference genome, calls variants, and outputs consensus FASTA sequences for downstream applications. The pipeline is written in Nextflow, so modules are adaptable. User options allow for tailoring of the pipeline such as setting custom filters and choosing a reference genome. Users can benchmark this pipeline with their chosen filters on simulated data and truth VCFs.

Installation & set-up

  1. Clone Github repo.
git clone
  1. Load your HPC's container tool (i.e. Docker or Singularity) and nextflow. (Some clusters may have these pre-loaded.)
module load singularity # or docker (not necessary on Stanford SCG)
module load nextflow 
  1. Run script to download references and resources, specify docker/sigularity.
cd mtb-call2
./scripts/ singularity # or docker

This should populate your resources directory with required references and databases.

  1. Download the most up-to-date Kraken2 database to resources/kraken_db for taxonomic filtering. The Standard kraken2 databse is 62Gb, if you have space constraints, use the Standard-8 or Standard-16. (If you are using a pre-built Kraken2 database, skip this step.)
cd resources/kraken_db
tar -xf k2_standard_08gb_20221209.tar.gz
  1. Modify the config file (nextflow.config):
  • update resources_dir (full path to directory resources)
  • update clusterOptions parameter to make arguments specific to cluster
    • Stanford SCG: clusterOptions = "-A jandr --partition batch -N 1 --time=4:00:00 --mem 96g"
    • Stanford SCG: container = "ksw9/mtb-call:1.0" (Stanford cluster Java installation is not compatible with other Docker images)
  • if you are using a previously installed Kraken2 database, update kraken_db with the path
  • Note: the nextflow.config clusterOptions file take precedence over the SLURM submission script parameters.


  1. Run the pipeline on the test data (truncated FASTQ files) included in the test_data directory. Include any user options here. The Docker image will be pulled automatically by running the pipeline the first time.
nextflow run -profile singularity # or docker
  1. Create an input file of FASTQ reads. See the example file.
  • For paired-end reads: tab-delimited file includes sample name, full path to FASTQ read 1, full path to FASTQ read 2, batch name, run name (format like data/reads_list.tsv).
  • For single-end reads: tab-delimited file includes sample name, full path to FASTQ read 1, "mock.fastq", batch name, run name (format like data/reads_list.tsv). "mock.fastq" is a placeholder and allows the user to mix paired-end and single-end reads in the same file.
  1. Run pipleine.
  • Direct the pipeline to the input reads file you can:
    • (a) update the nextflow.config file so that the reads_list parameter is now defined by the new list.
    • (b) pass the reads_list as an argument to the nextflow run command (i.e. --reads_list <input_filename.tsv>)
  • Update the scripts/ job submission script with job name, email, email preferences.
  • Run the pipeline.
nextflow run -profile singularity # or docker
sbatch scripts/ # submit via a SLURM job scheduler script. Use scripts/ at Stanford.


All outputs are stored in the results directory, within the project directory. Directory structure mirrors the input reads file, with directories organized by sequencing run, then sample.

├── results
│   ├── test_data/test (example organized by sequencing batch, then sample) 
|   │   ├──trim
|   │   ├──kraken
|   │   ├──bams
|   │   ├──vars
|   │   ├──fasta
|   │   ├──stats

Example data

The test_data directory includes two datasets:

  1. test_data/test: Truncated paired-end fastq files for use to confirm pipeline runs.
  • An input sample .tsv file list is located at config/test_data.tsv.
  1. test_data/benchmark: Simulated Illumina reads for pipeline benchmarking.


There are several user options which can be modified on the command line or in the nextflow.config file (command line options take precedence).

  • variants_only (true/false): Output GATK VCF including only variant sites with respect to the reference genome (default) or output all positions (variants_only = false). If true, this means the resulting FASTA file will include the consensus allele at all non-variant sites, which may be an incorrect assumption at low or no coverage positions (i.e. the REF allele will be filled in rather than an N).
  • mapper (bwa/bowtie2): defines mapping algorithm to be used (default = bwa).
  • run_lofreq (true/false): In addition to calling variants with GATK, will call low frequency minority variants with LoFreq.
  • depth_threshold: defines minimum site depth for calling an allele (either variant or reference) that will be applied to generate a consensus sequence (default = 5)
  • qual_threshold: defines the minimum site quality score for calling an allele (either variant or reference) that will be applied to generate a consensus sequence (default = 20)
  • ploidy: defines ploidy for GATK variant calling (currently, only tested for ploidy = 1)
  • threads: defines available threads (default = 4)
  • nextseq (true/false): Use of NextSeq sequencing platform? (default = false). Nextseq has been found to overcall G bases at the 3' end; if this option is turned on, TrimGalore will ignore quality scores of G bases in the trimming step.
  • nextseq_qual_threshold: If the above parameter is true, defines the quality threshold for trimming (default = 20).


  • Singularity uses the $HOME directory as the default cache. This may cause errors if there are space limitations in $HOME. Specify a cache dir to store the image via:
export WORKDIR=$(pwd)

  • If Nextflow cannot pull Singularity image on the fly, pull manually, then run pipeline.

singularity pull ksw9-mtb-call.img docker://ksw9/mtb-call

  • If pipeline truncates after a few steps, confirm that all expected files have been downloaded and are in the resources directory. This may be caused by incomplete download (i.e. of refs/).