This is a Morse code translator which can be used for several utilities about Morse code such as translation between Latin and Morse, translation from Latin to its Morse code sound, and translation from Morse code where words are seperate but letters are indistincive in which script finds all meaningful words among all possible combinations where the definition of "meaningful" is provided by a list of words in English. Words list is taken from dwyl/english-words as you may find in the following link
This is the master method which makes the translation between Latin and Morse.
sentence : str
The sentence that is needed to be translated.
type : str -> ['LatinToMorse','MorseToLatin']
Translation type.
If the translation "type" is "LatinToMorse" then the sentence must be given in the form of space seperated words.
If the translation "type" is "MorseToLatin" then the sentence must be given in the form where letters are seperated
with spaces and the words are seperated with "/".
words : str -> ['Distinctive','Indistinctive']
It shows whether letters are seperated and known or the words are seperated but the letters are not known.
It is needed to be defined if translation type is MorseToLatin. If "words" is "Distinctive" then the sentence
must be given in the form where letters are seperated with spaces and the words are seperated with "/".
If "words" is "Indistinctive" then the sentence must be given in the form where words are seperated with "/" but
letters must be joint.
type = LatinToMorse
Translation in Morse. The sentence is in the form where letters are seperated with spaces and the words
are seperated with "/"
type = MorseToLatin & words = Distinctive
Translation in Latin. Regular English sentence.
type = MorseToLatin & words = Indistinctive
A dictionary where keys are the words in Morse, and values are all possible meaningful translations in Latin.
This method creates a .wav file of Morse from a Latin word.
sentence : str
Regular English sentence which is seperated with spaces.
filepath : str
File path where the .wav will be saved.
sentence = "Hello world!" translationInMorse = MorseCodeDecoder().translateSentence(sentence, type = "LatinToMorse")
It returns ".... . .-.. .-.. ---/.-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--"
sentence = ".... . .-.. .-.. ---/.-- --- .-. .-.. -.. -.-.--" translationInLatin = MorseCodeDecoder().translateSentence(sentence, type = "MorseToLatin")
It returns "HELLO WORLD!"
sentence = "../-...-...---/-.-----..-/....-..-.-.--/-...--.....-/--......../-.-----..-.-./...---..-.-.." morseDecoder.translateSentence(sentence, type = "MorseToLatin", words = "Indistinctive")
It returns a dictionary showing all meaningfull possibilities for each word.
sentence = "Hello world" MorseCodeDecoder().createMorseCodeSound(sentence, filepath = "Sounds//Helloworld")
Saves "Helloworld.wav" file into the given path