Lightweight inference tools for hypothesizing object positions and planning viewpoints in 3D space. The object_search repository is a catkinized ROS package.
Please refer to the OctoMap mailing list for installation instructions: 'How to use the latest version of octomap in ROS groovy?'
Compile your catkin workspace including the object_search package:
$ catkin_make
Open a terminal and run:
Start the core:
$ roscore
Launch the simulator: (Please note: the object does not include any objects by default)
$ roslaunch --wait strands_morse bham_cs_morse.launch env:=cs_lg_obj_search
Add an object in the file as follows:
cup = PassiveObject('strands_sim/robots/strands_objects.blend','cup') = True, Type = 'Cup') cup.translate(0,0,1.0)
Launch the 2D robot navigation
$ roslaunch --wait strands_morse bham_cs_nav2d.launch
Launch the octomap server and build a map. Or use a pre-build map:
$ rosrun octomap_server octomap_server_node `rospack find strands_morse`/bham/maps/
Launch the object search utils
$ roslauch object_search object_search.launch
Run the action server:
$ rosrun object_search
Start the search using an action client where
is the name of the object the robot is looking for, e.g. Cup:$ rosrun object_search <object>
Start RVIZ and subscribe to a
and aMarkerArray
to visualize the viewplanning result.