This is a simple bank API that allows you to create users, accounts and transactions (deposits and withdrawals).
- Python 3.10
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Run the following commands to install the project on local machine:
pip install poetry
poetry install
docker-compose up -d
DB_DRIVER=postgresql uvicorn main:app --reload
Or you can uncomment the following lines in the docker-compose.yml
# fastapi:
# build:
# context: .
# dockerfile: Dockerfile
# ports:
# - "8000:8000"
# volumes:
# - .:/app
# command: uvicorn app.main:app --reload --host
Then run the following command:
docker-compose up -d
You can access the API documentation at http://localhost:8000/docs
To run the tests, run the following command:
This project follows the Clean Architecture principles.
The project structure is as follows:
domain: Contains the business entities of the application
usecase: Contains the use cases of the application
repository: Contains the interfaces of the repositories
infrastructure: Contains the implementations of the repositories. In this case, the database implementation is postgresql
And in the infrastructure folder, we have the provider to adapting create the database to the repository interface based on the environment variable
setting: Contains the settings of the application
app: contains the application layer. In this case, the API endpoints functions