version 1.0.0-beta (15.01.25)
1.1.Technologies to used:
- Golang
- Postgres
version 1.0.0-alfa (27.12.24):
- Marked project structure.
- Connected DB.
version 1.1.0-alfa (27.12.24):
- Created db functions (Add, Delete, Edit, Read).
- Decomposition api from main.go.
version 1.1.1-alfa (29.12.24):
- Upgrade db functions (Add, Delete, Edit, Read).
version 1.2.0-alfa (30.12.24):
- JSON transfer.
- Edit project interface instead of ConsoleApp will be WebApp.
- added technology: React (JavaScript).
version 1.2.1-alfa (30.12.24):
- Fixed function read() through json incorrection.
version 1.3.0-alfa (30.12.24):
- Added Logging.
version 1.4.0-alfa (30.12.24):
- Added Sections(Tasks, Done tasks).
version 1.5.0-alfa (01.01.25):
- Added Sections (Date, Complexity, Importance).
- Added Sorting for date, complexity, importance in function readTasks for 2 parameters (section - "all", "undone", "done"; sortf = "date_asc", "date_desc", "head_asc", "head_desc", "complexity_asc", "complexity_desc", "importance_asc", "importance_desc").
version 1.5.1-alfa (02.01.25):
- Fixed incorrect types of data.
version 1.5.2-alfa (02.01.25):
- Deleted sorting for switch logic.
- Added sorting for parameter that enter manually.
version 2.0.0-alfa (04.01.25):
- Added Basic HTTP Authorization.
version 2.0.1-alfa (04.01.25):
- Fixed error of authentification and queries.
version 2.1.0-alfa (04.01.25):
- Added user registration.
version 2.1.1-alfa (05.01.25):
- Fixed bug that you could create any number of equal accounts.
version 3.0.0-alfa (05.01.25):
- Added validator input data of registration.
version 4.0.0-alfa (06.01.25):
- Added URL query parameters "limit" and "page".
- Essues: have a bug with incorrect output.
version 4.0.1-alfa (06.01.25):
- Fixed incorrect data output in readTasks().
version 5.0.0-alfa (10.01.25):
- Added general structure telemetry admin pannel on Streamlit.
final version 1.0.0-beta (15.01.25):
- Deleted not developed frontend and telemetry.
This project have MIT License.